My Minimalist Office

Jennifer Chan
Simple, Not Easy
Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2019


What does your workspace look like?

I’ve been asked this question multiple times over the last two years. I understand the curiosity but, truthfully, I always thought that showcasing mine wouldn’t be helpful, given how basic it is. However, since I’ve started this blog, I’ve had a change of heart. After all, I write extensively about how minimalism has improved how I work, so it only makes sense that I show you where most of it gets done. Maybe, this will even inspire you to simplify your workspace? Who knows.

Anyways, let’s begin.

In May 2018, my girlfriend and I moved to a two-bedroom apartment. After living in a junior one-bedroom apartment for two years, we decided we needed a slightly bigger space in order to accommodate our dog, rabbit, and the both of us.

Since we have a comfortable pullout couch in the living room, we decided that the spare bedroom would serve as an office and exercise space. Aside from when Jayme’s doing yoga, this is what the room looks like.

The view from the hallway. Note the donation pile in the corner and the drying rack (we only use our dryer for sheets and towels). The black container beside the radiator is



Jennifer Chan
Simple, Not Easy

Productivity, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of excellence at work. Writing now at