Who Else Is Grateful for the Little Things?

On this holiday of gratitude, let’s give thanks that our pants have elastic waistbands!

Simple Pleasures


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can profoundly impact our lives.

Gratitude is more than simply saying “thank you.” It’s a deep feeling of appreciation for someone or something that has made a positive impact on our lives. Research has shown that gratitude can have powerful effects on our well-being, including improved mental and physical health, stronger relationships, and increased resilience in facing adversity.

The sun is always up there, but clouds can block our view of it. The negative flow wants us to think that the cloud is all there is, and that everything is negative.

Gratefulness is the state you want to be in as often as you possibly can be in it because it is the state that connects you, it is the state that breaks through the cloud, and once you’re up there, you’re in a different world.

I just began journaling about things I’m grateful for in my phone’s note area, and it’s become a habit and one of the most soothing portions of my day. Here are some of my recent notes that may help you start practicing mindful appreciation right now.

Things I am grateful for right now:

The Birds that Sing in the Morning

The birds that sing in the morning are a sign of hope. They remind us that there is beauty in the world and that each day is a new opportunity. Their song is a gift that we should cherish and appreciate.

My Traditional Meals

There’s something special about traditional foods that just hit the spot if you have been away from your home country. They’re more than just sustenance — they’re a part of our heritage and our identity. We’re not just nourishing our bodies when we eat traditional foods; we’re feeding our souls. And for that, I am grateful.


Give thanks for endorphins. Endorphins are natural, feel-good chemicals that improve mood and alleviate pain.

Feeling down or in pain? Be thankful for your body’s natural way of making you feel better.

Books I Read

I’m so thankful for all the books I’ve read. They’ve opened my eyes to new perspectives and helped me understand the world differently. I’m incredibly grateful for the classics, which have stood the test of time and continue to offer wisdom and insights that are relevant today.

The Feeling of Sunshine on my Body

The sun’s warmth spreads through my body, bringing me a sense of comfort and peace. I’m grateful for this moment of wonderful weather and feeling thankful for the sunshine.


I am so thankful for coffee. It has been my saving grace on many mornings, especially when I’ve had to wake up early for work or school. It always gives me the extra boost of energy I need to get through the day. Coffee is also a great way to socialize with friends.

We can catch up over a cup of coffee, and it’s a great way to bond with people. There’s just something about coffee that makes it so special and unique. I am genuinely grateful for coffee and all it has done for me. Thank you, coffee!

My Health

I am grateful for my health. Every day, I wake up feeling strong and ready to take on whatever comes my way. Because of my good health, I can work hard and provide for myself and my family. I can do the things I love and enjoy life to the fullest.

Good health is something that I cherish and am thankful for every day.

Healthy Parents

I am so grateful to have healthy parents. They have been there for me my entire life, providing love and support. I can’t imagine how different my life would be if they were not in good health. They have always been there for me, and I know they always will be. I am thankful for their health and all they have done for me. I know I would not be the person I am today without them.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything. I love you both so much!

Trees in the Forest, Flowers and Vegetations

Every time I walk through the forest, I wonder at the variety of trees, flowers and vegetations. I am always amazed at how different each plant looks up closely.

The intricate patterns on the leaves, the brightly-coloured flowers and the delicate structure of the branches all come together to create a natural work of art. In addition to their beauty, trees play an important role in our ecosystem. They provide oxygen for us to breathe, help regulate the climate, and are home to many different species of animals.

Every time I see a tree, it reminds me of how lucky we are to have such a diverse and beautiful natural world.

Friends that Prove their Support, Love and Loyalty

Intellectual Sparring partners and friends willing to give candid feedback that pushes you to improve are very important.

When I think about my friends who have proven their support, love and loyalty, I get filled with overwhelming gratitude. These people have been there for me through thick and thin, offering a shoulder to cry on when I needed it and celebrating my successes with me. They are the people who know me better than anyone else and love me unconditionally. They are my rocks, and I cannot imagine my life without them.

I am so lucky to have such amazing friends, and I cherish their friendship more than anything else.


I’m also grateful for the great ties and relationships I have. Our relationships with our spouse or partner, children, parents, or our friends are vital and help us stay grounded. We are appreciative for the love and support provided through these connections.

Consistent Workflow

One of the things I’m most grateful for in my work is having a consistent workflow. This has been a game-changer for me in terms of both efficiency and productivity. When I know what tasks I must complete each day and in what order, I can focus my attention more effectively and get more done.

Additionally, having a consistent workflow helps to prevent burnout by giving me a sense of predictability and control. I know what to expect daily, making maintaining a healthy work-life balance easier. Overall, having a consistent workflow has been an enormous blessing in my life and career. I’m thankful for it every day!

The Smell of the Ocean After a Long Winter

I am so grateful for the smell of the ocean after a long winter. It is like a breath of fresh air. The salty air and the waves crashing against the rocks are soothing, and I can’t imagine living without them. The Ocean is where I can go to clear my head and be.

It is my happy place. I am so thankful for the Ocean and all it has to offer.

Clean Water to Drink All Day, Every Day

Every single day, I am thankful for clean water to drink. I can turn on the tap and enjoy a refreshing glass of water whenever I want. I never have to worry about where my next drink will come from or whether it will make me sick.

It’s hard to imagine life without clean water, but that is a reality for millions of people worldwide. Unclean water is one of the leading causes of disease, and every year thousands of people die from preventable illnesses like cholera and dysentery. That’s why I am so grateful to have access to clean water every day. It’s a basic necessity we often take for granted, but it is a lifesaver.

The Food in My Refrigerator

I have enough to eat, and I do not have to worry about where my next meal will come from. I am also thankful for the variety of food that I have. I can eat whatever I want and do not have to worry about getting bored with my food choices. I am also thankful for the nutrition that the food in my refrigerator provides. I know I am getting the vitamins and minerals I need to stay healthy and strong.

Finally, I am thankful for the convenience of having food in my refrigerator. I can eat when I want and do not have to worry about preparing meals. The food in my refrigerator is a blessing, and I am thankful for it.

Being Able to Control My Work Hours and Take Mental Health Days When I Need Them

Being able to control my work hours and take mental health days when needed has been essential to my well-being. For years, I worked in a corporate job where I was expected to be at my desk for long hours, regardless of how I felt.

If I took a mental health day, I would have to use up my vacation days or sick days. As a result, I often pushed myself to work even when I wasn’t feeling well, which only worsened things. But now that I work for myself, I can take a break whenever I need one. If I feel overwhelmed or burned out, I can take the day off and recharge. This flexibility has been lifesaving for me, and I’m so grateful to have it.

The Roof Over My Head

It protects me from the sun and the rain and keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer. I know many people do not have a roof over their heads, and I am so thankful I do.

The Roof over my head is more than just a piece of wood or metal; it symbolizes safety, security, and shelter. It is a place of refuge from the outside world, and I am so thankful to have it.

The Ability to Laugh, Smile and Be Happy

I am so grateful for the ability to laugh and smile. It is simple but can brighten my day and chase away the blues. Whenever I am feeling down, all I need to do is watch a funny movie or spend time with friends who make me laugh, and I instantly feel better.

Laughter is truly the best medicine. It has been shown to boost immunity, reduce pain, and increase blood flow. It’s also a great way to relieve stress and tension. Laughing can also help to improve your physical health.

Smiling, on the other hand, is suitable for your mental health. It releases endorphins that can improve your mood and help to lower stress levels. Simply put, there are countless reasons why laughing and smiling are two of the best things you can do for yourself. So next time you’re feeling down, don’t forget to take a moment to laugh or smile. It is exactly what you need.

When we take the time to express gratitude, we make ourselves feel good and make the world a little bit brighter for everyone involved. So next time you’re feeling down or stressed, take a minute to think about everything you’re thankful for. It is the boost you need to turn your day around.

Write down 10 things you are grateful for today and comment your top three.



Simple Pleasures

Writer ● Enthusiastically explore diverse subjects that capture my imagination and share my discoveries with fervor ● Love the Continent of Africa.