11 Phrases That People Love to Hear

#6. “I followed your advice.”

Michael Thompson
Published in
7 min readFeb 3, 2020


I’ve reached that weird stage in my life where I want the people around me to be happy and feel good about themselves. I’ve spent the majority of my life wanting people to think that I’m special. Flipping the script, and doing what I can to make other people feel special has taken some getting used to.

Perhaps the most effective exercise I’ve developed during this time is paying attention to the little words and phrases I’ve either heard or said that light people up. Then taking it one step further by incorporating them into my daily conversations.

The phrases below aren’t designed to help you get laid or to get you on the radar of someone you are sexually attracted to. They are simply a collection of phrases that people love to hear. They make people smile. They make me smile.

1. “I was thinking about you.”

A little less than a year ago, I told Tom Kuegler (someone who I had spoken with only a handful of times prior) that I was having trouble keeping my anxiety under wraps. A few days after our conversation I received a message: “I’ve been thinking about you and I hope you are doing better.” I liked Tom prior to receiving this message, but after he sent it I loved him — and so did my wife. In one sentence I knew…



Michael Thompson
Editor for

Co-creator of two cool kids • Storytelling Coach •.Fast Co., Insider, Forbes • Free storytelling guide here: https://bit.ly/3h1KZeT