5 Great Questions You Should Occasionally Ask Yourself

Including one that completely changed my life

Brian Pennie, PhD


Photo by Georg Auffarth on Unsplash

A friend of James Clear’s once suggested that he occasionally asked himself the following question:

“What am I really trying to achieve here?”

Whenever he remembers to do it, he finds the question generates useful answers. In a recent Twitter post, he asked others what is their one question — the one they find useful to ask themselves.

Great question after great question began to fill his thread, which made me think about questions that have made an impact on my life.

The 5 questions below have been the most impactful for me — some of which were in the Twitter thread — and another that completely changed the course of my life.

1. What Are You Constantly Avoiding?

This is a strange paradox - we avoid what we must do. Maybe you need to join a gym, eat more healthily, or begin that meditation practice you’ve been talking about for years. Or the worst culprit… having difficult conversations with others. It’s easier to put these things on the long finger, but they always come back to bite you in the ass. More times than not, you know what to do, but you constantly avoid it…



Brian Pennie, PhD

Change is possible. I write to show that | Recovered heroin addict turned doctor. www.brianpennie.com