In praise of problems, and how to develop a taste for them

3 ways to make your work, chores, and projects more enjoyable

Herbert Lui


Photo: Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu via Unsplash

“What if You Had a Universal Remote… That Controlled Your Universe?”

The premise of Adam Sandler’s film, Click, is simple: the protagonist is granted a remote control that allows him to change the speed of his life (e.g., he can fast forward, slow motion, even rewind, etc.). Here’s the trailer for it:

Spoiler alert: the protagonist fast forwards through the painful bits of life — eventually skipping decades in seconds — and realizes he missed out on most of the meaningful moments of his life. He learns his lesson and regrets it. He is granted an opportunity to go back to where he’d originally started in time, to live life again, without the remote. I watched it way over a decade after it came out, and though the details are foggy, the premise and fable resonated with me deeply.

Skipping Through Life



Herbert Lui

Covering the psychology of creative work for content creators, professionals, hobbyists, and independents. Author of Creative Doing: