The Next Time Someone Pisses You Off, Remember These 3 Questions

Restraint is a choice

Michael Thompson



“Hey, Laia!” I shouted from my office. “Do you have any idea what a bad word is for a woman that starts with a K and ends with an N?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” my wife shot back. “You’re the native English speaker, not me!”

“It’s just that some woman left this encrypted comment on one of my articles saying I’m the male version of a K that ends with an N.”

“Google it dammit! I gotta finish work!”

“I think I got it,” I said moments later in a questioning tone. “I think she’s referring to me as the male version of a Karen.”

“Ah, of course,” my wife giggled. “That sounds about right. You are a bit of a Karen!”

“Why are you laughing? I can hear you laughing. Is this fun for you? I just googled what Karen means and it says they’re members of an indigenous tribe in Eastern Burma!”

“It’s not Burma anymore you idiot,” my wife replied, “it’s Myanmar!”

Before I knew it, my wife appeared right next to me while hopping on one foot and kicking with the other.

“Are you dancing? I snarled while scrolling through Google definitions surprised by the flexibility of the word…



Michael Thompson

Co-creator of two cool kids • Storytelling Coach •.Fast Co., Insider, Forbes • Free storytelling guide here: