The Real Reason You Can’t Cut Yourself Slack

We all have imaginary “super-people” who threaten to destroy our confidence. Here’s how to take yours down.

Jack Calhoun


“Comparison is the thief of joy.” — Theodore Roosevelt

I’m not what you’d call a natural-born exerciser. I’m a big guy, and I don’t run so much as I lumber. I don’t get “jazzed” to work out. You wouldn’t want to be next to me in your Cross Fit class, unless you like being next to a sweaty middle-aged dude who’s constantly asking you “how much longer?” I frequently procrastinate about exercising, even though I know it’s what I need to do.

When I’m feeling particularly down on myself about my poor exercise habits, my mind often goes to my friend Craig. He’s a workout machine — day in and day out. He hits Orange Theory every morning at 6 a.m., or whatever god-awful hour that torture factory opens up. He logs hundreds of hours in the gym every year, and he’s in amazing shape as a result.

“Why can’t I be like Craig and get off my ass?” I chide myself. “He’s so disciplined and committed to taking care of himself. He’s got his shit together. Why can’t I get my shit together?”

But Craig is also a stressed-out attorney at a huge law firm. He’s in his late 40s and…



Jack Calhoun
Writer for

20+ years as managing principal of a wealth advisory firm. I write about the principles of sound investing, the solopreneur life and the wisdom of experience.