My Cat Became My Fourth Child

Her steps in my house were on my heart

Pata Naheen
Simple Story Seekers
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Photo by author

This is the story of my cat, who won my heart and became my fourth child.

Cats were Fatimah’s favorites. She desperately wanted a cat. Across the road, their neighbors had a lovely Mama cat with 4 kittens. Fatimah loved to play with them. Every evening, she went there with her youngest sister, two-year-old Amnah. After the evening, their mother almost pulled them to the house from neighbors. Both sisters always insisted on playing more.

Their mother brought this matter to Ibrahim, the girls’ father. Abraham readily said, as if he were waiting for this moment, “Let us have some kittens.”. Please go and ask the neighbors if we can adopt.

Mother was hesitant because she was afraid of cats, and did not want any animal inside the house. She was hesitant to have cats inside, touching things, moving around, and feeding in the kitchen. You know, 90% of people don’t want animals inside while sharing our things.

Abraham, seeing her hesitation, asked her to bear with their crying and staying late at night at the neighbor’s house. This response made the mother think positively about adopting one kitten.

Mother presented a few conditions, as she would not clean the litter. Abraham as was fond of cats, accepted the condition and it was settled. Girls were happy and went along with Abraham to the neighbor’s house.

Neighbors agreed and let them adopt one female kitten. Fatimah named her Fluffy at that time Fluffy was 3 months old. She was not happy with this change. Abraham placed her litter tray in a corner that was almost the center of the house. The food pot and water were in the kitchen under the trolley. He showed everything to Fluffy so she might have access.

Fluffy wanted to hide, so she went to a small store with suitcases and some extra mattresses. Abraham asked all the family members not to disturb her. They let her take time to intermingle.

Photo by Author, My Four children

In three or four days, Fluffy started to come out at night and sleep outside the store. After almost a week, Abraham was playing with all three children on a bed. Children were jumping, laughing, and shouting. Fluffy, listening to these sounds, came out of the store and climbed up the bed. She was purring, rubbing herself against Abraham.

Mother was shocked, while the children and Ibrahim were happy to see this.



Pata Naheen
Simple Story Seekers

I am here to share my stories regarding every field of life.