The Art of Chore Evading

My cousin Bodi was a true master at cheating

Gabriela Trofin-Tatár
Simple Story Seekers
2 min readFeb 11, 2024


Day 3: One word, picture prompt is Cheating.

My cousin always cheats and runs away instead of doing his chores on the farm. Photo by Renjith Tomy Pkm: Source Pexels

On my uncle’s farm, chores were as regular as the sunrise. When I was small, I often stayed at the farm and silently observed life there.

My cousin Bodi was a master of cheating. While I always did all my tasks, Bodi seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving me amazed by his skill for avoiding work.

Once, while everyone was cleaning out the stables, he disappeared, only to be found reading under a tree, claiming he was “supervising.” “Supervising what?" I asked him, bewildered. He simply grinned at my question.

His methods ranged from pretending to be sick to creating funky distractions. While I worked, he danced through chores unscathed.

Bodi’s escapades exasperated me. But at the same time, they made me realize that his talent was rather finding joy among all responsibilities. It was truly an adventure to live on the farm during those childhood summers.



Gabriela Trofin-Tatár
Simple Story Seekers

Passionate about tech and KM, MSc in International Business. Conscious Parenting advocate.