SSS Challenge prompt for weeks 1 and 2

The Day I Met My Wife

Blind Date results in meeting the love of my life.

DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Simple Story Seekers
2 min readJan 16, 2024


Prompt: Write about a time when you realized you would do anything for your loved ones

Margaret Rawson From the Author’s family archives.

I Had A Dream

I was five when I went into Mom and Dad's bedroom in the middle of the night. “Mom, I just met the woman I’m going to marry,” I said. Mom sat straight up in bed, and I repeated what I had said. Mom asked, “What did she look like?” I said, “She had beautiful red hair.

I Made A Mistake

I searched for her everywhere I went. Finally, I met a red-haired girl just after I had graduated from high school and before I left for Vietnam. We married, and that night, I realized she wasn’t a real redhead. It took me thirty years more before I met the love of my life, Margaret.

In the meantime, I knew what it meant to love. I loved my six children, but my first wife and I called it done after twenty-six years. I went looking. I knew the love I wanted, and this time, I wasn’t going to settle.

The Moment We Met

We fell in love. We both did. We spent weeks asking the hard questions to make sure we were right. We were willing to give it up if it…



DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Simple Story Seekers

A retired serial entrepreneur, writer, author, and editor committed to the Human Intelligence movement. Please join us.