Simple to Say, Hard to Do

The Introduction

Joshua Leto
Simple to Say, Hard to Do
2 min readJan 18, 2019


Topics Covered: SSHD, aphorisms, goals, oxymorons

After thirty overlapping years in business and writing, I realized it was time for writing about business.

Simple to Say, Hard to Do is the name of the publication because I believe it is the most useful phrase to describe anything worth doing in life. I have heard, and read, and seen many people say that things are “simple, not easy” or some variation. This column is definitely not for the people who think that anything is simple. I believe the world is a complex, wonderful, amazing place, and to think that I could simplify anyone or anything is pure hubris.

I love aphorisms. Short, pithy, thought-provoking, and clever are all good for me. What aphorisms do not provide is answers; not for those among us who are thoughtful and eager to learn. If you, dear reader, are still reading, I think this includes you.

My goal with this publication, as it is with my consulting business, is to help others. I believe that self-awareness is critical for long term success My goal is that I learn from my experiences, but another is that I enjoy telling stories. You may find that these articles frequently combine stories, my own or those of others, with the lessons I’ve learned.

I plan for new articles to arrive weekly, and I will offer my thoughts on a variety of business topics. I will be writing about things in the most personal, global way possible. While this may seem oxymoronic, I find that personal experiences, if considered carefully, can offer widely useful lessons for other people.

Please let me know if you think I deliver.

