6871 Simple Thank You’s — 189% of Target Achieved in Simple Token Sale (Sale Completed)

Jason Goldberg
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2017

In overwhelming numbers and with increasing enthusiasm, the blockchain community voted with their ETH the past 18 days and expressed support for the Simple Token mission to power cryptocurrencies for digital communities.

6871 unique purchasers from 130 countries purchased 261,070,175.3 Simple Tokens (including all bonuses) for a total 46,828 ETH. (In a remarkable coincidence, at current ETH = $464, the average value of the ST sold was $0.083 each, right back where we started).

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Because of you, we achieved 189% of the Target for the sale.

We give all credit where it’s due: To the community.

The blockchain community’s enthusiasm for the Simple Token project created an acceleration of interest and excitement unlike any we’ve seen before in the crypto space. Most token sales spike on day 1 and then fizzle out, whereas the Simple Token sale grew stronger and stronger with each passing day. People who learned about the Simple Token technology overwhelmingly became Simple Token supporters and advocates.

The chart above shows the number of transactions per day from new vs. repeat buyers during the Simple Token sale.
The chart above shows the number of Simple Tokens sold per day and average ETH per transaction during the Simple Token sale.

In the coming days we will provide detailed reports and analyses from the token sale, as well as important updates on our roadmap and customers.

For now, we just want to say again: thank you to the community.

We promise to do our best to live up to your expectations and to make you proud.

Read our after-sale guide. Learn about the next steps on our website.




This Medium post is not a prospectus nor a solicitation for investment and it does not pertain in any way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction.

You must read the entirety of our Terms & Conditions document carefully before making any decision to purchase ST Tokens. You must also monitor the https://simpletoken.org website and our Medium publications for any announcements from the Foundation as they may add to, or change, these Terms and Conditions at any time.

Purchasing, holding or using cryptographic tokens carries significant potential financial, regulatory and other risks, including potential loss of the entire value of Payment.

Tokens are only for sophisticated purchasers who are knowledgeable and experienced in the features and risks of digital platforms, digital assets, blockchain technology and smart contracts. Potential purchasers should determine for themselves the relevance of the information contained in this document and related materials, in each case as supplemented from time to time, and the necessity for additional enquiry, research and professional advice. Any decision to participate in a token sale should be based upon such independent investigation and advice as you deem necessary. This document should not be considered as a recommendation by any person to participate in any token sale or digital platform.

In particular, you should not purchase any Tokens unless you have read and understood the terms and all other relevant materials and fully understand the Token Sale, including at least the following:

  • the nature and purpose of the Token Sale and its cryptographic context
  • the procedures required to purchase Tokens;
  • the nature and the extent of the risks to which you may be exposed by participating in the Token Sale or purchasing, holding, transferring or exchanging Tokens, including those set out in the Risk Disclosure; and
  • the regulatory, tax and accounting treatment of participating in the Token Sale and purchasing, holding, transferring or exchanging Tokens, as well as any other relevant implications.



Jason Goldberg

Founder, CEO, product at Pepo, Ost Technology, openst, mosaicdao.