Announcing 2 More Simple Token Partner Companies: Floship and Vidi-VR

Jason Goldberg
Published in
5 min readNov 9, 2017


Today we are proud to announce two more companies who are partnering with Simple Token to build branded token economies based on the OpenST protocol: Floship and Vidi-VR. This brings the total number of Simple Token partner companies announced pre-token-sale to 7, with 50+ more in our active pipeline.

Simple Token “ST” is a utility token that enables any company to create, launch, and manage their own branded digital token economy, powered by Simple Token protocols and software.

The OpenST protocol enables companies to stake Simple Tokens against their own Branded Tokens, minted on open scaleable side blockchains, in a cryptographically auditable manner.

The business and technical challenge the Simple Token team set out to solve is to enable mainstream businesses to benefit from deploying their own branded crypto-backed token economies, without the legal, regulatory, and technology headaches involved with going it alone. This will enable them to monetize user contributions and content, power peer-to-peer transaction, provide meaningful incentives and rewards, develop transparent loyalty programs, and unleash thousands of new monetization and supply & demand possibilities.

The OpenST protocol is live today and the first end-to-end demo of OpenST in action was released earlier this week via video and on Github. This demo accompanies the public release of OpenST platform v0.9.0 — development Milestone 1 in the Simple Token project.


Floship is the World’s #1 international crowdfunding fulfillment provider by packages shipped; they have delivered rewards globally for over 100 of the most funded Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects.

Floship also serves hundreds of medium sized brands and online retailers with integrations to platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, Shipstation, Amazon, JD, Tmall, and more, allowing web-retailers easy cross border B2C shipments from centralized distribution centers in Hong Kong, China.

Floship clients get access to a full suite of courier rates (from the likes of USPS, Hong Kong Post, Swiss Post and other) attainable by only the largest enterprises. Floship and Simple Token will be working together on tokenization projects to explore micro-payments, digital currency payments, rewards/incentives to drive consumer benefits that are currently lacking in the logistics space.

We are excited to work with Simple Token to explore tokenization of our platform and blockchain benefits for logistics in general and will be engaging with our webshop partners and courier partners to explore both tokenization and blockchain tech to simplify transactions among stakeholders in a transparent, fast and more efficient way.” ~ Steve Suh, Floship Co-founder

Floship and Simple Token will be working together on tokenization projects to explore micro-payments, digital currency payments, rewards/incentives to drive consumer benefits that are currently lacking in the logistics space.


Look (by Vidi-VR) — the world’s first VR/AR social media platform — has joined Simple Token to explore tokenization as a way to deliver a truly community-owned social media platform. The team behind Look has spent the last year investigating blockchain technology and tokenization to enable community ownership for their 3D media sharing app, but were discouraged from taking action because of the legal, development, and operational risks of deploying and maintaining their own token.

Vidi VR, Inc., the maker of Look was founded by Brian Herrera and Stan Sedberry in 2016 on a mission to enhance expression of creativity by capturing and sharing 3D experiences in virtual reality. Unlike most 360-degree VR content platforms, Look harnesses realistic depth and vivid detail captured by stereoscopic cameras to create entirely new ways for people to tell their story and showcase their art. Every time you take a picture that doesn’t do the scene justice, it is because we experience the world in 3D but our cameras only capture it in 2D.

Currently, Look is in private beta for iOS with a public app launch in December. — all you need to experience is an iPhone and a VR viewer. Get your Look-approved VR viewers for your smartphone and pre-order your Hoot 3D Camera at Sign up for early access to the app

Look is seeking 20 creative individuals to be among the first content creators on the platform — they will receive a free Hoot 3D Camera, 3 VR viewers to send to their friends, and the opportunity to help craft what the future of immersive photography will look like. If interested, reach out to

Early next year, Look will be compatible across all mobile VR platforms and the Hoot 3D Camera will be available for purchase for only $169. Throughout 2018, Look will expand compatibility to other types of 3D VR cameras to empower more people to make worldwide friendships by capturing and sharing experiences with each-other.

Look is working to utilize Simple Token to build a token economy natively into the application and platform where members of the community are rewarded for actively participating in the 3D media creation and sharing experience. Tokens will also be used to give users a say in the product design direction, and even reward creative technical and artistic contributions from community members.

We believe that the advertising industrial complex should be left in Web 2.0, along with the algorithmically promoted devisiveness that makes for good business with that model. When we learned about Simple Token, we immediately recognized the opportunity to make meaningful steps towards ushering in a new era for the business of social. ~ Brian Herrera, CEO

We built Look to empower Digital Creatives with a forward looking form of artistic expression. When people spend time and creative energy to share content on Look, we want them to be rewarded with more than just notifications and red hearts. — Stan Sedberry, CMO



Jason Goldberg

Founder, CEO, product at Pepo, Ost Technology, openst, mosaicdao.