Simple jQuery Image Gallery

Minimal image gallery

Vivek Arora
Simple Web Tutorials
2 min readNov 30, 2013


There are situations when you need a very simple image gallery which showcases your images on click previous and next links. Following is a simple code written in HTML, CSS and jQuery to achieve this goal.

See the working demo here


Lets start with the simple HTML code. I am using sample images from lorempixel to display how it works.

HTML for simple, minimal image gallery

The image gallery and the nav elements are both wrapped in the gallery wrapper. The images are contained in the div with id gallery and each image is in the div of class image. It is a pretty simple setup.


The CSS is pretty simple. There are 2 classes active and inactive that will be used in jQuery to show and hide the images respectively. The navigation previous and next divs are given position relative to make them appear on top of the image.


Line2: since all the images are diplay:none, add class active to show first image

Line3: run when the next button is clicked

Line4: remove class active from the present active image and make it inactive

Line5: if the image that is made inactive is the last child of gallery, then make the first image active

Line9: else make the next image active

Line11: remove the class inactive from the recently made inactive image

Line14: function run when the previous button is clicked

Line15:remove class active from the present active image and make it inactive

Line16-17: if the image that is made inactive is the first child of gallery, then make the last image active

Line19-20: else make the previous image active

Line22: remove the class inactive from the recently made inactive image

That is it. I will be making improvements to this image gallery to make it play automatically. So, stay tuned.



Vivek Arora
Simple Web Tutorials

passionate web guy and constant learner. tweets and blogs tutorials on #webdesign #html #css #jquery #php. follow me @vivekarora86