Waking Up to the “Wokewashing” of the Anti-Woke Whiner

James Haywood Rolling Jr
Simple Word Publications
5 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo of a poorly whitewashed wall by Jimmy Ofisia on Unsplash

First, let’s cut through the whitewashing. Whenever you hear anyone say they are “anti-woke” in the news or on social media, they are actually railing against whole other sets of circumstances that they do not welcome. It’s apparently good to stay asleep. Yet to misappropriate the term “woke” and mistranslate it mean something other than it actually means is like misappropriating the term “wake up” and telling us it means “nightmare.” I’ve invented an apt term for this obvious, in-your-face attempt to conceal what actually frightens certain folks. Let’s call it “wokewashing.” In actuality, the anti-woke, anti-CRT, anti-1619 Project, anti-diversity, anti-inclusion mob rants we hear in the news, on political campaigns, and at school board meetings these days began as the yank-the-covers-back-over-my-head response of the traditional power structure in the United States waking up to their own nightmare of the Obama family getting voted into their White House. TWICE. God knows, you hate what you fear.

Remember the recent history. The entire “Tea Party” movement began following Barack Obama’s first presidential inauguration (in January 2009). That is a FACT and it was NOT an accident of circumstance. What it was, was cause and effect. It was a direct response to a Black man and his Brown family unexpectedly being elected as the resident of what was only…



James Haywood Rolling Jr
Simple Word Publications

Creativity Educator | Artist | Antiracist | Counter-narrative Crusader | Rebel with a Cause | Author, “Growing Up Ugly” available @ https://tinyurl.com/4zs6de28