Blue Light Mini Course: Now on YouTube!

Greg Yeutter
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2018

Have you heard that blue light can be unhealthy? It’s true that blue light can interrupt sleep, and that can have negative consequences, such as:

  • Accidents/mistakes
  • Increased signs of aging
  • Depression
  • Heightened cancer risk

We recently produced a short, free video course on blue light. It takes about 20 minutes to get through, and at the end, you will know:

  • Exactly how blue light interferes with sleep
  • How to reduce blue light on your devices
  • How to reduce blue light at home

The entire course is available as a YouTube playlist or embedded directly below:

Watch on YouTube. Subscribe to our channel.

Direct links to each lesson:

For more information about Bedtime Bulb, check out our website.

