Introducing Private Episodes, JSON feed support, and more

A quick pit stop along the road to Simplecast 2.0

Brad Marxkors (Smith)
2 min readJun 20, 2017


Each morning I wake up and look toward the future of Simplecast — our design system, the new Audio Player, the entirely overhauled Dashboard, and so many more listener analytics. Oh my god, the new analytics!

Then, somewhere during my first cup of coffee it slaps me in the face: the version of Simplecast my team is beautifully crafting is still several months out of your grasp. So. Not. Fair.

We began re-engineering Simplecast 2.0 from the bottom up — developing an entirely new API (on an entirely new codebase) which will power everything in the new Simplecast. Actually, it began deeper that that, if you’ll recall our post on hosting infrastructure improvements a few months back. Then just this week we announced zippier global audio delivery. All that said, rolling out new features on the current platform is next to impossible without writing some code twice. However, we’re willing to do double the work to get some of the features out earlier — we’re just that excited for what’s in store.

So while most of my team is hard at work on 2.0, we’ve dedicated certain resources to ensure the current Simplecast platform gets some much deserved love this summer.

This begins today with the release of Private Episodes. It continues next week with a beta release of JSON feed support. The following weeks will contain small-yet-substantial improvements to Sites (like more social links) and analytics. Yup, stats! We’re rolling out five new data points, including geographic location — drilled all the way down to city level. We’ll be delving even deeper with analytics in 2.0, but you shouldn’t have to wait to unwrap everything. Christmas can come in July (and now June too).

We’ll then greet the dog days of summer with an entirely rebuilt in-browser Audio Player, complete with podcast sharing tools — the likes of which you’ve not yet seen. Oh yeah, and those new Podcast tags and features that Apple announced at WWDC? Yeah, we’re on it.

It’s a busy season ahead for Team Simplecast. If you missed our release of live chat in your Simplecast Dashboard, be sure to check it out. Our support channels are now smoother than ever, so if you need anything, we’re here. We’ll be announcing the release of these summer blockbusters soon.

Stay tuned, Simplecasters. Podcast on!

Drew Patrick Miller on Unsplash



Brad Marxkors (Smith)

Former SVP Product @ SiriusXM. Founded Simplecast (acq. SXM), Wayward Wild, & Virb (acq. GoDaddy)📍Recovering New Yorker repotting in the Midwest 🌳