On Transparency

…and all the things ahead

3 min readMar 29, 2017


In Short…

✔ We have launched a public status & uptime panel for you to see if a Simplecast problem is us, or if it’s you. And if it’s us, what we’re doing to fix it.

✔ Features and the future! Today we’re introducing our public product roadmap crafted just for you. Forever be in the loop on what we’re building and where Simplecast is headed. And chime in too!

The Details…

Over the past few months, we have made several promises. We promised (1) an improved, faster, and more stable Simplecast [✔︎], and (2) we promised a big 2017 full of important new features and podcasting tools. Today we begin pulling back the curtain on all these promises, our first post in a three-part series.

Today we discuss transparency and creating a new and improved Simplecast — one that directly includes you. We are not only improving Simplecast, the podcasting product, but our company, our vision, and how we operate. Let’s get on with it.

Transparent Uptime and Incident Resolution


Just over a week ago we launched a live status, incident, and uptime monitoring service. This is a service available to you 24-hours a day. It’s how you can be aware of all issues if and when they arise, and it’s how we stay accountable to you, day after day. If you’re having a problem with Simplecast and curious if it’s us or if it’s you, this page will tell you.

Rather than us littering your Twitter feed with threads of updates, we’ll simply link you here, where we’ll be updating throughout the duration of the incident. Bookmark it. We made this just for you.

We don’t like to think about problems, but they do arise, and when they do, you can rest assured we will always communicate with you.

👉 status.simplecast.com 💥

Transparent Product Roadmap

What are we working on? What features do we have planned for next month or six months from now? This is something many software companies keep behind closed doors until they are ready for reveal. While this secrecy can be exciting for the team building the app, it’s rather boring for those of us using the app. Beginning today, phase 2 of our transparency project.

We are releasing Simplecast’s feature and development roadmap for your consumption. At all times you will be able to see, for the most part, what features are in queue, what we’re working on, and what you can expect next.

This said, your access to our roadmap does come with one very simple caveat: While we will always strive for complete transparency, there are features and tools we’re developing which we believe will give Simplecast a strong edge over our competition. If we’re ever a little vague, this would be why. Agreeable?

We’re over-the-moon excited for the months ahead. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a long list of new features to build and release for you.

We’re excited you’re all here. The best is yet to come!

Hugs and high fives,
Team Simplecast





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