2020 SimpleChain Foundation Council Election Results

Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2020

The SimpleChain Foundation is a non-profit organization for SimpleChain, a supporter and promoter of the SimpleChain open source blockchain community. Its mission is to make SimpleChain a fully trusted ecosystem that will benefit the new global business world, while reducing costs and reducing asymmetry.

On January 4, 2019, SimpleChain mainnet was officially launched. In 2019, we witnessed the rapid expansion of theSimpleChain community, as well as the implementation of SimpleChain applications in various fields. In 2020, during the second year of the SimpleChain Foundation’s operation, through the election to add new Councilmembers, we hope that more SimpleChain enthusiasts will join the Foundation,and use their knowledge, talents and resources to facilitate the Foundation ,inspire the community, and advance SimpleChain technology promotion, application implementation, community development and ecosystem construction.

Candidates are made up of elites from localindustries, overseas scholars as well as experts of communications technology, digital assets, and big data. The two-week voting procedure has ended and 9 candidates with the most votes will become new Council members of theSimpleChain Foundation. The voting results are as follows:

Introduction of 9 new council members:

About SimpleChain

The mission of SimpleChain is to simplify the blockchain for business.

SimpleChain is a PoW main chain with flexible sub-chains. Different sub-chains can adopt different kinds of consensus and block data structure as needed, to enable a variety of applications and use cases on blockchain. Sharding is also implemented to improve performance. This double-layered structure of one main chain and multiple sub-chains can fuel various applications while ensuring the consistency of the network.

Built on VeraxChain, SimpleChain’s first sub-chain, Baoquan.com provides record keeping services which serves to keep records of online data and authenticate electronic evidence. In June 2018, Hangzhou Internet Court of China judged a case of copyright dispute based on data stored on Baoquan.com. For the first time in China, the legal effect of the electronic data stored on blockchain is recognized in the judicial system. (News link: https://www.coindesk.com/blockchain-can-legally-authenticate-evidence-chinese-judge-rules)

Find SimpleChain at:

— -Overview — -

Website: www.simplechain.com
Whitepaper: www.simplechain.com/ims/chain/download?spm=1922.1381.010729.122&language=english
Github: www.github.com/simplechain-org
Blockchain Explorer: www.explorer.simplechain.com/

— Community — -
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SimpleChain
Telegram: www.t.me/SimpleChainEN
Medium: www.medium.com/SimpleChain
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/SimpleChain
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SimpleChainOfficial

— -SIPC Mining & Trading — -
Wallet-Chainbox (Chinese only at the moment): download available at www.simplechain.com

Mining Client-SimpleNode (English & Chinese, can also act as a wallet): download available at www.simplechain.com

Mining Pools
1. SimPool (Chinese only): www.simpool.vip
2. MATPool (Chinese only): www.matpool.io/
3. DXPool (English & Chinese): www.dxpool.com/
Mining Guide with DXPool: https://www.dxpool.com/help/en/sipc-mining-tutorial

Mining Machine: SimpleNode X1 USB mining machine: 2M hashrate, 5W power use. Please contact @Laurenxy on Telegram if interested.


SIPC/CNT & SIPC/USDT: www.zt.com




Launched on January 4, 2019, SimpleChain aims to simplify the blockchain for business, and build a simple, easy-to-use distributed blockchain network.