SimpleChain Foundation Council Election: Candidate AMA Recap

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10 min readMar 25, 2020

On January 4, 2019, SimpleChain mainnet was officially launched. In 2019, we witnessed the rapid expansion of the SimpleChain community, as well as the implementation of SimpleChain applications in various fields. In 2020, during the second year of the SimpleChain Foundation’s operation, through the election to add new Council members, we hope that more SimpleChain enthusiasts will join the Foundation, and use their knowledge, talents and resources to facilitate the Foundation, inspire the community, and advance SimpleChain technology promotion, application implementation, community development and ecosystem construction.

A total of 18 candidates are made up of elites from local industries, overseas scholars as well as experts of communications technology, digital assets, and big data. 9 candidates with the most votes will become new Council members of the SimpleChain Foundation. We’re holding a series of AMAs with candidates to meet with the community and share their understanding of the industry and their plans and visions for the future of SimpleChain. In this session, we invited three candidates, Kevin Wen, Edozie Izegbu and Medhi Ghane.

To learn more about the election, please read:

Kevin Wen

Founder of Slikroad LinkedNet. Copy China New Four Great Inventions to Oversea.

Q1: How did you first get into the blockchain industry and what are your roles in the industry? What are your thoughts on the present and the future of blockchain?

A: I am currently based in the Middle East, working on promoting China’s emerging technologies such as blockchain, payment, sharing economy and e-commerce to the Middle East. In 2018, I got into the blockchain field through token economy and its usage in the sharing economy.

The Middle East is known to be a conflict zone at the center of the competition between the major powers. Governments of Middle Eastern countries have great hopes for the emergence of the new technologies such as blockchain.

If you are familiar with Islamic finance, you will know that blockchain technology is thought of highly here. By joining SimpleChain, I hope to bring its technology into this area and put it into use.

Under the current international situation, there are great opportunities to promote SimpleChain. However, it is holiday here in the Middle East, and activities are also affected by the coronavirus. By April, I expect to see more activities and promotion opportunities for SimpleChain.

Q2: How did you come to learn about SimpleChain and what motivated you to participate in this election? What would you say are your advantages as a candidate?

A: Almost a year ago, I came to know about SimpleChain through my investor friends. At that time, we were doing technology promotion and concept promotion in the Middle East. Our design concept was a main PoW consensus with PoS implemented on the second layer, just like SimpleChain! And when were still at the concept stage, SimpleChain has already put it into implementation. Since then, we have been paying close attention to SimpleChain technology.

We had the design concept because we foresee its potential of mass application, especially in the Middle East, where there is an urgent demand for blockchain. We hope that by joining SimpleChain, we can speed up the implementation of blockchain technology here, and also accelerate the implementation of our design concept. We will have a lot of applications joining the SimpleChain ecosystem, which will facilitate the growth of users. We are very confident in this. I’m working with Dr. Mehdi in the Middle East to promote the technology.

In terms of advantages, first, I think it is a rare coincidence that SimpleChain has the same infrastructure design as us. Second, we have a large number of applications. During 2020, we can expect to see a rapid growth in the number of SimpleChain users and applications.

Q3: What are you plans to develop and expand SimpleChain’s ecosystem if you become a board member of the foundation?

A: First, we will bring to SimpleChain applications that come with a large number of users; Second, we will use blockchain courses as a way into universities to attract university students; Third, make SimpleChain an infrastructure in Islamic finance.

The population of the Middle East is several hundred million. The Middle East is very diverse and at the same time increasingly connected with Europe, America and China. The Middle East thinks highly of blockchain technology. Both the public and the government are passionate about the technology and there are a lot of applications. Maybe you are not aware of it because of language barriers. SimpleChain is a beginner-friendly blockchain and as find a way into universities, more applications will follow.

Our contribution to the SimpleChain ecosystem comes down to the growth of applications and users.

Q4: Please conclude with one or two sentences to gain voters’ support!

A: I hope that by joining SimpleChain, I’ll bring substantial growth in users and applications, driving the increase of value of SIPC and SimpleChain.

Edozie Izegbu

CEO ZegTel LTD — Nigeria’s first MVNO, Blockchain Advisor Bahamas government, Nigerian Fintech Association member.

Q1: How did you first get into the blockchain industry and what are your roles in the industry? What are your thoughts on the present and the future of blockchain?

A: So I first heard about the blockchain industry way back in 2013 when bitcoin had its first price surge pushing it to around 600USD, I bought about 2 BTC on coinbase thinking it was probably going to be useful sometime in the future. I initially began as a engineer looking at the technical possibilities of a borderless currency and then later I became more involved in the business economic and political groups and societies. Currently I’m involved with the technical team at NZIA limited who are building the Bahamian Central Bank digital currency and I’m currently building a cryptoexchange to server the continent of Africa which is consistently underserved right now.

Currently blockchain has had it’s fair share of industry and government adoption and I can see things improving dramatically in the future. The US has been having conversations in Congress for a new digital dollar and many other countries including China are now considering official roll out of digital based currencies. Major institutions such as JP Morgan are increasing their portfolio stake in cryptocurrencies and even developing their own blockchain solution for bank to bank transfers. Blockchain solutions are being regularly adopted by industries looking for higher security, more transparency and a trustworthy solution to assign data and information across their organisation. So I am very optimistic about blockchain solutions in the world.

Q2: How did you come to learn about SimpleChain and what motivated you to participate in this election? What would you say are your advantages as a candidate?

A: I initially heard of SimpleChain after hearing a presentation of SimpleChain by Leo himself, and I was mostly interested by its interoperability with a variety of blockchain and its preexisting success with some other sub chains one of which was used as legal evidence Hangzhou Internet Court.

My personal advantages are my governmental and institutional ties within the crypto ecosystem. I’ve had 7 years + experience now with crypto and blockchain and I’m working with the Bahamas government to improve their services to their citizens and I’m currently building an exchange in Nigeria where I’m cooperating with executives of the largest telecommunication companies in the EMEA region, such as MTN Nigeria with 60,000,000+ subscribers.

My experience with this continent and unique insight in highlighting the value of blockchain to key stakeholders, I believe will be very valuable to the foundation. In addition to this I’m a Software Engineering Masters Candidate at University of Oxford where I am a member of the Blockchain Research centre at the university and I would be very well positioned to encourage more developers to expand the technology!

Q3: What are you plans to develop and expand SimpleChain’s ecosystem if you become a board member of the foundation?

A: Whilst at SimpleChain I have a few key developments that I would like to implement as a foundation member.

  1. Business integration
  2. Internationalization
  3. Developer advocacy

Integrating SimpleChain with various enterprises and industries will help with the publicity of SimpleChain. I have built relationships with large enterprises and startups in fintech based in Sub Saharan Africa and also in Europe. Such as Carbon ( where my boss left to become head of technology for Binance Africa, MTN Nigeria — where I have a good relationship with the Chief Innovation Officer and the President of the board.

Internationalizing simplechain seems to be one of simplechain biggest unexplored areas as there are no effective channels to highlight simplechain in various areas in the EMEA or in the Americas. I can provide support due to my industry experience in Silicon Valley, the Caribbean and Africa. I’m also a member of the Nigerian Fintech association, Oxford Univerisity Blockchain research group and the London Crypto Community. I would be happy to travel to conferences from Dubai to Davos to talk about Simplechains benefits. In addition, I would peruse the translation of the website and documentation.

Lastly, I would like to be an advocate for developers worldwide so they understand the exact benefits of working with simplechain. Hackathons and developer online webinars can be held to describe how the simplechain API works and to teach people basic prototypes of what can be accomplished technically.

Q4: Please conclude with one or two sentences to gain voters’ support!

A: Thank you for listening to me. It’s about 4AM here in London but I’m happy to be here and hear the support of everyone. I hope to be a good part of the SimpleChain community.

Mehdi Ghane

Professor of emerging computing technologies. Fintech and DeFi Advisor. DataCentre Technology Architect.

Q1: How did you first get into the blockchain industry and what are your roles in the industry? What are your thoughts on the present and the future of blockchain?

A: As a DataCentre Technology Architect, I have been working with many Datacentres around the world, you know all Datacentres have stranded computing resources all the time and I used to borrow them for blockchain mining since 2013. Then I started to have public speaking on “Money History and how regimes use fiat currency as a powerful dictatorship tool”. in 2015, I implement 4 mining farms with 20 MW low cost power. in 2016, my banker clients in Islamic markets (Middle East, Africa, UK, Malaysia,…) asked for advice on DLT and how they can dive into safe Fintech sandboxes, I developed an “investor due diligence mechanism” and its working well. I was the Juror of various national and international start-ups contest.

I believe DLT and mainly Blockchain is not that interesting as journalists show, but the applications are the key value. Right Application plus Right Implementation on Right Platform are the recipe of success in DLT ecosystem.

Q2: How did you come to learn about SimpleChain and what motivated you to participate in this election? What would you say are your advantages as a candidate?

A: I heard about Simplechain just one year ago. Honestly I didn’t take it seriously at first, maybe because almost all details were in Chinese market and English journals introduced it as “yet another Chinese version of Ethereum network” which is not correct at all. You know Western people see the world from “Google Windows” mainly and Google focus on USA products and English Market content more than anything. They have a very limited knowledge about inside China engineering and intellectual products. This trend is a “ risk and an opportunity in same time” for SIPC community : Fortunately I met Leo Yu, he introduced the simplechain Community and products clearly, he understands the global needs and functionalities and I saw a great potential in simplechain platform. Simplechain can start well in all fields that USA is blind to see or rejected to enter and the published to the all the world.

Q3: What are you plans to develop and expand SimpleChain’s ecosystem if you become a board member of the foundation?

A: Honesty, there are two main strategies in DLT platforms market.

  1. straggling on mature markets (fighting with same application and services for same goals but in different platforms, as you can see currently in Internet messaging apps ).
  2. covering niche markets (the services or target customers that didn’t understand well by your impetus competitors, as you see in some of ANT Financial products)
    There are tons of DLT platforms based by USA companies and regulations. Currently , USA has a limited international trust because of capitalism monopoly and USA-first (dollar-first) strategy. There should be an alternative for USA DLT Platforms, world needs such facility now.

For example : Islamic financial systems and approaches are one of the oldest and well stabilise NON-ZIRO SUM financial ecosystem that needs to be modernisation with DLT. Today, all activities must be non-political and out of control of any regimes to succeed.

I want to focus on introducing the simplechain values to alternative markets like Islamic finance — (not as a religious but as a common culture)- . I want to awakening the niche DLT market of Islamic finance needs. This market is not easily reachable for western because of the lack of trust. Certainly, 5G, MVNO, IoT , dAPPs and FinTech are other examples.

Q4: Please conclude with one or two sentences to gain voters’ support!

A: Simplechain with internationalisation can be the most powerful alternative for USA made and just copied mentality DLT platforms and can be unique in community base DeFi.

Muslims community have billion members and trillions assets in middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe that can be tokenized by simplechain subchains. I can communicate well with officials, academics , bankers, investors and influent community leaders in Islamic finance with Persian, English, Arabic, and German languages.

Here is my LinkedIn page: .

About SimpleChain

The mission of SimpleChain is to simplify the blockchain for business.

SimpleChain is a PoW main chain with flexible sub-chains. Different sub-chains can adopt different kinds of consensus and block data structure as needed, to enable a variety of applications and use cases on blockchain. Sharding is also implemented to improve performance. This double-layered structure of one main chain and multiple sub-chains can fuel various applications while ensuring the consistency of the network.

Built on VeraxChain, SimpleChain’s first sub-chain, provides record keeping services which serves to keep records of online data and authenticate electronic evidence. In June 2018, Hangzhou Internet Court of China judged a case of copyright dispute based on data stored on For the first time in China, the legal effect of the electronic data stored on blockchain is recognized in the judicial system. (News link:

Find SimpleChain at:

— -Overview — -

Blockchain Explorer:

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— -SIPC Mining & Trading — -
Wallet-Chainbox (Chinese only at the moment): download available at

Mining Client-SimpleNode (English & Chinese, can also act as a wallet): download available at

Mining Pools
1. SimPool (Chinese only):
2. MATPool (Chinese only):
3. DXPool (English & Chinese):
Mining Guide with DXPool:

Mining Machine: SimpleNode X1 USB mining machine: 2M hashrate, 5W power use. Please contact @Laurenxy on Telegram if interested.






Launched on January 4, 2019, SimpleChain aims to simplify the blockchain for business, and build a simple, easy-to-use distributed blockchain network.