SimpleChain Weekly Report: December 16-December 22

Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2019


Mainnet Data

Since launching on January 4th, SimpleChain mainnet has been running steadily. Up until December 20th, the amount of total addresses on SimpleChain is 11,034. Average peak computing power is 240.455GH/S, and average peak difficulty is 3059G. The amount of total transactions is 135,579.

Technical Development

SimpleChain 2.0

  1. Params modification and checkpoint mechanism research;
  2. Achieved DPoS consensus and Raft consensus block production, and successfully passed all unit tests;
  3. Research on PBFT and Istanbul-BFT consensus;
  4. The master branch of SimpleChain is changed to release / 1.0.2, and the code of ethereum1.9.9 is merged into the master branch of SimpleChain;
  5. Sorted out the use of freezer;
  6. Integrated the stratum protocol to the master branch of SimpleChain;
  7. Integrated the scrypt algorithm into the master branch, and now it can synchronize and produce blocks;
  8. Add travis ci integration test tool for go-simplechain repository;
  9. Researched the specific implementation and use of Ethereum 1.9 Metrics module.


  1. Streamlined payment platform and fixed bugs;
  2. Modified test cases for exchange market and cross-chain transaction record section, wrote test cases for cross-chain transaction, transaction confirm page and transaction detail page;
  3. Cross-chain transactions under development.

Mining Client-SimpleNode

  1. Optimized raspberry pi mining tools;
  2. Conducted testing and fixed bugs;
  3. Adjusted verifying rules for contract name and contract nickname.

Blockchain Explorer

Conducted testing and fixed bugs on SimpleChain blockchain explorer 2.0.


First Blockchain Mobile Game on SimpleChain Chivalry Road Launched, Reconstructing the Internet of Value in Gaming in Partnership with Chain Game Player

SimpleChain’s first blockchain mobile game Chivalry Road was launched this week. The game is based on China’s defense on the coastal regions against wokou pirate activities in the 16th century. Blockchain technology is used in this game to reconstruct its value network and completely change the relationship between games and players, so that players can experience blockchain payment as well as gain entertainment and wealth.

Relying on the strong technical support of SimpleChain and the hundred-thousand user base of Chain Game Player, this partnership between SimpleChain and Chain Game Player will promote blockchain games to more users and facilitate the SimpleChain “blockchain +” ecosystem.

The Second China Blockchain Industrial Development Summit Forum

On December 20th, Leo Yu, CEO of Calforce Holdings and core board member of SimpleChain Foundation, was invited to attend the 12th Zhejiang Business Annual Conference & The Second China Blockchain Industrial Development Summit Forum. He gave a keynote speech on the topic of Blockchain Leap: Linking Values and Domains — — Industry Exploration and Opportunities under the Turning Point of Policies.

Leo said that under current favorable policies, in order to realize the blockchain leap, it is necessary to continue blockchain exploration and practice in a way that links different domains. SimpleChain introduces a perceptible blockchain mechanism, and has been building applications in many fields such as judicial evicence deposition, cultural copyright, game &entertainment, and offline payment. SimpleChain has opened up and discovered large-scale market opportunities with great potential.

At the conference, SimpleChain was also awarded 2019 Most Valuable Blockchain Enterprise in China.

About SimpleChain

The mission of SimpleChain is to simplify the blockchain for business.

SimpleChain is a PoW main chain with flexible sub-chains. Different sub-chains can adopt different kinds of consensus and block data structure as needed, to enable a variety of applications and use cases on blockchain. Sharding is also implemented to improve performance. This double-layered structure of one main chain and multiple sub-chains can fuel various applications while ensuring the consistency of the network.

Built on VeraxChain, SimpleChain’s first sub-chain, provides record keeping services which serves to keep records of online data and authenticate electronic evidence. In June 2018, Hangzhou Internet Court of China judged a case of copyright dispute based on data stored on For the first time in China, the legal effect of the electronic data stored on blockchain is recognized in the judicial system. (News link:

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Wallet-Chainbox (Chinese only at the moment): download available at

Mining Client-SimpleNode (English & Chinese, can also act as a wallet): download available at

Mining Pools
1. SimPool (Chinese only):
2. MATPool (Chinese only):
3. DXPool (English & Chinese):
Mining Guide with DXPool:

Mining Machine: SimpleNode X1 USB mining machine: 2M hashrate, 5W power use. Please contact @Laurenxy on Telegram if interested.






Launched on January 4, 2019, SimpleChain aims to simplify the blockchain for business, and build a simple, easy-to-use distributed blockchain network.