SimpleChain Weekly Report: November 30-December 6

Published in
Dec 8, 2020

Mainnet Data

Up until December 6th 2020, the amount of total addresses on SimpleChain is 14,351. Average peak computing power is 500.312 GH/S, and average peak difficulty is 6,314 G. The amount of total transactions is 236,797.

Technical Development

SimpleChain 2.0

1. Reserached homomorphic encryption library, realized addition and multiplication with homomorphic encryption;
2. Optimized storage table structure DB and doubled storage speed;
3. Optimized SimpleChain 2.0.2 version, with a focus on optimization of transaction pool;
4. Optimized the PBFT consensus.

Cross-chain Development
Ethereum cross-chain testing and added interface documentation.




Launched on January 4, 2019, SimpleChain aims to simplify the blockchain for business, and build a simple, easy-to-use distributed blockchain network.