Say hi to SimpleFi V1

Raphaël Mazet
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2021

SimpleFi is a power tool that helps you make better DeFi investments. Learn what it does and how to integrate. It’s easy!

At SimpleFi, we set out to build DeFi’s most powerful analytics and execution tool, packaged in an insanely intuitive dashboard. Today we’re excited to unveil the first milestone of that journey!

What’s in V1?

SimpleFi’s core mission is to make life easier for DeFi investors, so you can cut through the data, the hype and the scams to make the best investments you can. In that sense it’s part smart DeFi dashboard, part suggestion engine, and part magic investment migration tool.

What we’re launching today is the first step: our smart DeFi dashboard that makes calculating your DeFi ROI as easy as clicking a button!

Unlike standard DeFi dashboards, SimpleFi doesn’t just tell you where you’ve put your money. It actually calculates your ROI, and calculates it in a really smart way: if you’re yield farming, for example, it will break down your returns to also show the profit or loss from underlying liquidity pools (LPs).

So if you ever wondered whether your farms generate enough alpha to compensate for impermanent loss, now you know!

SimpleFi also gives you a consolidated view of each one of your tokens, whether they’re in your wallet, provided as liquidity or staked. It shows you exactly how much Eth (CRV, Uni, GRT, etc.) you own at a glance for example, even if it’s spread across 10 LPs and 15 farms (or more, you crazy degen ❤️).

And that’s not all! SimpleFi allows you to change how you calculate your ROI, zoom in on a specific time period, calculate your TVL, and more. Give it a spin, why don’t you!

Integrate with SimpleFi — it’s easy!

The way SimpleFi V1 works is that it indexes every transaction of every account on every DeFi protocol, and then boils it all down to a few simple graphs and headline numbers. It’s a crazy engineering endeavour that wouldn’t have been possible without the financial and technical support of the Graph, on which our indexing technology is built.

The beauty of using such an open indexing technology is that it makes it extremely easy for you to integrate your own DeFi protocol and offer the power of SimpleFi to your users.

At launch, SimpleFi supports 90k+ tokens (including “composite” LP tokens) and 50k+ liquidity pools and farms from Uniswap V2, Sushiswap, Curve, StakeDAO and mStable, with many, many more to come.

But you don’t need to wait on us to integrate with SimpleFi, we’ve made it super easy for you to do it yourself. Simply create a subgraph for it!

We have handy documentation here with examples to walk you through the process, and we’re always available on Discord if you need any support.

Get involved!

This is just the first step towards the full SimpleFi toolkit. Over the next weeks and months, we’ll be launching an optimiser tool that gives you insights into how you could boost your ROI, and a migration tool that makes it easy to beam your funds from one pool to another (yes, the one we won HackMoney with). We’ll also roll out multi-chain support and our tokenomics very soon.

V1 is currently in beta. Visit our website to launch the app. If you’d like early access, please join our Discord and type /waitlist in the #join-waitlist channel. You can also follow us on Twitter to stay informed!

Thanks to The Graph and Uniswap for the grants and support they provided during the development of V1, all our Gitcoin donors and everyone who helped with the alpha tests. We’re extremely grateful.

If you’re a SimpleFi OG, you can claim your special edition thank you NFT here.

