Web3 Growth Series: Interview With Joe Lallouz From Bison Trails

Justin Hunter
SimpleID — Engagement and Retention
1 min readJan 23, 2020

“We have to continue doing the unscalable things and be patient during the early days of growth — it happens, but timing also matters. The most transformative technologies in the world didn’t happen overnight even though it feels like it now.”

The future of blockchain is not one where a single blockchain rules all. At least, that’s the future Bison Trails sees. This is why the company focuses on making it easy to build across multiple blockchains. A founding member of the Facebook Libra Association, Bison Trails supports or is developing support for dozens of protocols. Their CEO, Joe Lallouz, is bullish on the future of blockchain, but he believes it will take a lot of patience to get to where the entire industry has scaled.

Read the rest on the SimpleID blog.

