iPhone’s latest productivity tools

“iPhone with yellow cover hanging on air” by Vinicius Amano on Unsplash

In 2017, I upgraded to the iPhone 7. This is the third iPhone I’ve owned and providing Apple don’t screw it up, I’ll stick with them. It’s just so simple to move your data when you get a new phone — different on the outside, same comfortable setup on the inside.

As much as I’d love to be an early adopter, holding every newly released model in my hot little hands… the price tag gives me heart palpitations!

Lucky for me (and my bank account), Apple does a fantastic job of providing new software options to everyone — not just the latest models.

In a recent upgrade to iOS 12, Apple has acknowledged increasing community concerns about our collective screen time and developed some smart solutions to our problems.

Here’s one new and another not-so-new iPhone app designed to reduce screen time and distractions, allowing us to skyrocket productivity.

NEW APP — Screen time

Find it → Settings > Screen Time

  • Screen time tracking

As the name suggests, this part of the app tracks the amount of time your screen is in use. It gives you an exact breakdown of how many minutes you’ve spent using each app which you can view for today or the last 7 days. This app also calculates your average phone usage and…



Tara Fitness 🔥 Minimalist Solopreur

Teaching you how to get leads in DMs without being a dick / Documenting my journey as a Minimalist Solopreneur