How Miners and Simple Mining can help Ukraine

Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2022

At this point, we all know what is going on in the World and how Putin is forcing a war nobody wants, neither the Russians nor the people of Ukraine want this to happen. We do not blame the Russians or anyone but Mr. Putin himself for what is going on.

How is Simple Mining helping?

We created a page on our website to provide some information on how we are helping right now.

Our CEO made the post explaining how Ukrainian people can flee to Poland, the country where Simple Mining is from.

All kids and women are welcome to Poland with exception of men that are not allowed due to the fact that they might be called to defend Ukraine.

To all women and kids that want to flee to Hungary, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Moldova there is food, clothes, and a place to stay waiting for them when they cross the border.

How can miners help?

You are not obligated to help or to care, this information is only for the ones that want to provide some help.

If you are a miner and want to help the Ukrainian people right now you can make donations or mine directly to their official Ethereum account.

These account addresses were shared last night 26/02/2022 by Vitalik and were also confirmed by Ukrainian Senators that they are legit and the money donated will go to help fight the war. Link to the official tweet

Before sending any crypto please always double-check if the addresses you copied are correct, always confirm the last few digits of the wallet.

It has not passed 24 hours since these addresses were shared on Twitter and since then they received:

Over 60 BTC which is around 2.3 million USD — wallet link

Over 1700 ETH which is around 5 million USD — wallet link

Hundreds of miners are currently mining Ethereum to their wallet address and we can see on pool with almost 50GH and hundreds of miners already joining. Wallet Pool link

We are not a political website and we do not support the WAR, we support the freedom of our neighbors and want peace everywhere.

Please be safe and know that the crypto community is supporting Ukraine.




Helping people with mining problems since 2017