Selecting a new miner for mining Ethereum

Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2020

You are presented with the following error with Claymore miner.

OpenCL error -38 - cannot write buffer for DAG

The maximum DAG epoch supported by Claymore is #384 and many rigs will fail between DAG epoch #377 and #384. Therefore, you should select a new miner in order to continue mining.

Here is the guide to migrate from Claymore to a new miner or simply setting up a new group with one of these miners. We have sample configs for common pools such as and

You can find other ETH mining pools at

In order to migrate your rigs to one of the miners mentioned below, please follow these simple steps:

Go to Group Config, click on Add Group to create a new group.

Click on Group Config and then click on Add Group

Choose the latest version of teamredminer, lolminer or phoenixminer for AMD GPU and T-Rex, ethminer or phoenixminer for Nvidia.
At the time of writing, versions are teamredminer-v0.7.22, lolminer-v1.18, phoenixminer-v5.4c, t-rex-v0.19.5 and ethminer-v0.19.0.

Search for the miner and click on Use

Give it a name, enter miner options as described below and do not forget to replace 0x2222222 with your own ETH wallet address, and press Save.

new miner options for teamredminer (AMD) will be:

-a ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x2222222.$rigName -p x --api_listen --watchdog_script


-a ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x2222222.$rigName/ -p x --api_listen --watchdog_script

new miner options for Phoenix miner (AMD and Nvidia) will be:

-pool -wal 0x2222222.$rigName -rmode 2


-pool -wal 0x2222222.$rigName/ -rmode 2

New miner options for lolminer (AMD) will be:

-a ETHASH --pool --user 0x2222222.$rigName --apiport 4444 --tls off


-a ETHASH --pool --user 0x2222222.$rigName/ --apiport 4444 --tls off

New miner options for T-Rex (Nvidia) will be:

-a ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x2222222 -w $rigName


-a ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x2222222 -w $rigName/

New miner options for ethminer (Nvidia) will be:

-U --report-hashrate --HWMON 0 -P  stratum+tcp://0x2222222.$ --api-port 3333 --cuda-grid-size 4096 --noeval


-U --report-hashrate --HWMON 0 -P  stratum1+tcp://0x2222222.$ --api-port 3333 --cuda-grid-size 4096 --noevalwith email-U --report-hashrate --HWMON 0 -P stratum1+tcp://$rigName/your%40gmail%2ecom --api-port 3333 --cuda-grid-size 4096 --noeval

Last step in order to use the newly created group, you must assign the rig to the new group by going to the rig list, select the rig you would like to change the group and press Actions

Last step in order to use the newly created group, you must assign the rig to the new group by going to the rig list, select the rig you would like to change the group and press Actions

Choose your newly created group and press Save

That’s it. You can see your rig is now assigned to the new group in rig list.

Config column should match the new group you created.

Happy mining!

