5 Ways To Build A Brand With Content Writing

Sayan Sarkar
The Simple Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2018

Creating a brand may not be an easy task. But maintaining and promoting one is a whole different ball game.

In this day and age of the digital world, it takes considerable skill and effort to stay relevant as a brand. A strategic mix of tools is employed to achieve the recognition that goes from catchy memes to full-fledged campaigns.

One such overlooked tool in this respect is content writing. For some reason, it has always been something that is used as little as one can get away with without literally filling the entire page with graphics alone. But great content can go a long way in establishing as well distinguishing your brand in the long run, even if you don’t actively use it for that purpose.

Read on to know a few handy tricks on using content writing for brand promotion.

Looking approachable

It is no secret that a business needs clientele to survive. Any prospective customer is likely to look you up online before engaging with you. So having your media pages filled with engaging content is a great way to show how approachable and out-there you are.

They can learn a great deal about you, how you work and if you are the right fit for their requirements without you having to pitch it to them. This also eliminates a lot of unnecessary communication, saving you time and effort.

Exhibit character

More often than not, more than one person will be contributing to your website. It becomes important to form a cohesive standard out of everyone’s unique style. Your website and all related content should read as one voice, lending it a character of its own. It can be informal, sarcastic or dignified. The key is to stick to it.

You can form a writing code highlighting the acceptable as well as unacceptable words and phrases for the tone you are going for. Every contributor should adhere to it.

Active blogs display a creative verve

Maintaining a blog along with your site isn’t necessarily there to get you more business, yet is done for branding purposes. Having a blog covering topics of relevance to your field of operations shows your creative flair as well as your expertise of the domain. It represents desire and dedication to go over and above the average.

Avoid looking outdated

Websites don’t get made every day. Almost all businesses will have the same website for a couple of years. And unless you are putting up sales and offers every day, it will start to look outdated very soon.

Consistent blog updates are a hassle-free way of keeping things fresh.

This is especially great for startups as visitors will immediately know the business they are seeking is up and running. It also saves you from looking unorganised.

Blogging helps you stay up-to-date

Maintaining a blog doesn’t have to be a chore meant only for business promotion. Look at it as an opportunity to keep up with all the relevant happenings in your field of work. Learning on the job of sorts, if you will.

This practice also helps your customers in the same vein. Additionally, it lets them know your stance on things.

Instead of looking at content writing as a dreaded task to be done with, have a little fun with it, create a style of your own.

Let it speak for you. And let it boost up your brand in meaningful ways. As a Dead Poet once said, “no matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.



Sayan Sarkar
The Simple Blog

Internet Marketing Manager at SimplePlan Media(http://bit.ly/2QEkWet). Thinking requires space. Creativity is not a choice.