Digging Deeper Into Optimizing Product Pages

Yogesh Gangotia
The Simple Blog
Published in
8 min readApr 15, 2022

Did you know that in 2021, the average global conversion rate of ecommerce websites was just 2.58 percent? To put it another way, out of every 50 people visiting your store last year, about 2 of them were making a purchase.

Not a lot, is it? Ergo, it’s always a good idea to continually upgrade and refine your store to improve conversion rate. If you wanna get ahead in the game, a well-thought-out product landing page is your best bet.

Your product landing page will act as the front of decision-making for your potential customers. They are more likely to make a purchase if they like what they see, and are clear about everything there is to know about the product.

This year, there is a huge potential to boost your business because ecommerce sales are expected to grow by $5.4 trillion in 2022. So let’s take this opportunity and get to work.

This blog digs into components that go beyond the fundamentals of building a product landing page. But before we get started, here’s a checklist of a few critical components to check off your product page’s to-do list -

  • Naming your product wisely- The name of your product will go a long way toward persuading a potential buyer to click on it.
  • Clear, skimmable description- Make the text you’ve put here as readable as possible. One approach to achieve this is to use visual signals such as numbers or bullets instead of a wall of text.
  • Transparent pricing- There should be no ambiguity when it comes to showcasing the product pricing. The price needs to be showcased above the fold, preferably in a large font.
  • High-quality images- It’s very likely that people will skim over your product if the photographs are grainy or unclear. If feasible, Include high-quality images of your product taken from every angle, displaying every nook and cranny of the object on display, so the buyer gets a clear understanding of what they’re buying.

If you think any of the above elements are missing from your product landing page, the first thing for you to do is take care of it. Once you are sure that all the basic components are in place, it’s time to go forward and read the elements that will give your product page a chance to improve conversion rate.

Let’s Talk Variants

Source- Oddit

Who doesn’t like having options?

Variants are what allow ecommerce stores to effectively showcase different variations of the same product. For example, if a dress is available in 6 different sizes and 3 different colors, then there are a total of 18 different variants of the same product.

With variants, user experience design is improved considerably, as shoppers have an option to pick and choose and make an informed, personal purchase that fits their needs exactly. With more options, there’s a better probability of conversion.

It’s critical to provide clear variant selections that tell your shoppers exactly what they’ll get. Everything needs to be communicated clearly, from color to material to the number of items, so that the shopper may make an informed decision.

The options in each variant need to be in a logical order, and the shopper must be able to easily scroll between them. Whether the variant is price, size, or quantity, the list of options must be arranged in a logical manner, ideally ascending.

Make sure that the pictures on the product landing page change as a shopper clicks on a specific variant. This way, it is simpler for the shopper to gain a better understanding of the product by viewing detailed images of the variation of his choice. This increases user interaction and encourages them to make a purchase.

In the variant table, add high-quality images when it comes to the color of a particular product so that the actual look of the product is not left up to the shopper’s imagination. However, only include graphics when they bring value to the table and assist clients in making a quicker decision. For instance, if you are selling perfume, a brief description of the scent in the variant section will be far more useful to the shopper than an image.

No matter how many variations a product has, the picture and intention need to be clear so that it is easier for a buyer to make a choice. If the price varies by the size of the product, include the price on the list itself, instead of making a shopper click to get user interactions on each size just to view the price.

If the price varies by each variant a product has, that information needs to be communicated clearly to the buyer. Emphasizing the savings in a certain model is also a smart idea because it attracts customers. For example, if a certain version’s price is 25% lower than the others, it’s a good idea to emphasize this on the list itself by writing “save 25%” immediately alongside the variant.

Variant selections will go a long way in establishing clear communication with prospective buyers. Variable selectors, when used appropriately, can help convert potential customers into actual buyers.

The “Add to Cart” Button- Before and After

Source- Oddit

The add-to-cart button is the very first step towards effectively turning a visitor into a buyer. A well-designed product landing page needs to pay close attention to the content present before and after the add-to-cart button to attract a shopper into clicking it.

The area above the add to cart button should include all of the product information that the customer requires in order to make an informed decision. The space below can be used to provide information that will make the shoppers feel more secure about their decisions, such as the return policy, easy payment options, and the assurance of quality.

Review the page’s content for anything that can divert attention away from the add-to-cart button. The content hierarchy must be established such that shoppers are not enticed to click anywhere other than the designated button. The sole focus must be on getting a customer to convert.

Work towards building trust and credibility for your customers. If possible, place reviews and suggestions near the top of the page, and add an action so that shoppers may read the amazing things your clients have to say about your product. This removes a lot of doubts from potential customers’ mind and builds your brand’s identity.

The content needs to flow smoothly, and contain all the information about the product the customer is buying. It’s not a good idea to have a shopper travel back a page only to double-check that they’ve clicked on the correct options. In the add-to-cart page, include all product information as well as a small image so that the shopper has a clear idea of what exactly they’re buying. Make sure to include the expected delivery date (if applicable) as well as some unique characteristics that make the product stand out.

Instead of a wall of text, make sure the content is skimmable, and that suitable spacing and type balance are used to make the content easier to read and prompt shoppers to take action more quickly.

As the add-to-cart button is where you want shoppers to go, the content and designs you use around it should be very thoughtful. If done appropriately, shoppers will be tempted to click the button, thus increasing the likelihood of a sale.

Discounts and Offers

Source- Magecomp

In ecommerce stores, discounts are a critical component of driving sales. Throughout the year, almost 93 percent of shoppers use a coupon or discount code. Therefore, Anytime a discount on a certain product is possible, that information needs to be broadcasted from the rooftops.

Every shopper seeks out bargains that provide them with a sense of profit. Discounts and special offers are an excellent approach for persuading customers to buy a product. The offer should be displayed as clearly as possible at the top of the page.

If there is a discount, make sure you display both the original and the lowered prices. This allows the shopper to see just how much money they are saving. Make sure to add the discount percentage as well, and accent it with a different color font if possible. The most common method for displaying a discount is to highlight the discounted price while striking through the original price.

Other offers may include “buy one, get one free” or “try a free trial.” These limited time offer deals should also be displayed as prominently as possible, above the fold, so that they are the first thing a shopper observes as they scroll down the page.

Upselling And Cross-selling

Source- Wix Help Center

True, the focus of your product landing page should be solely on the product it promotes. But why pass up the opportunity to market related products that the shopper might enjoy?

Upselling and cross-selling are time-tested methods of increasing sales of an ecommerce store. Recommending similar products on a product landing page is always a good idea as it boosts client engagement and encourages them to make more purchases.

Many ecommerce giants employ this strategy to boost sales. Personalized recommendations depending on the products they’re looking at will always make the shoppers feel valued and encourage them to buy.

Since related products are based on the shopper’s preferences, make sure they notice the recommendations. Provide clear images and as much information as possible about the product so that the shoppers know that it’s worth clicking on.

While upselling, be sure to highlight the additional features of the related product that are missing from the product they clicked on. This will help attract the shopper towards a better purchase.

Additionally, it will also promote the product they most likely scrolled over while browsing the list. As a result, it’s a win-win scenario.

Design The Perfect Product Landing Page

Building the ideal product page takes time and effort, as well as a lot of trial and error. Once the code is cracked, there is a potential for an exponential increase in conversion rates. There is no one-size-fits-all formula for creating a fantastic product page design. There are numerous factors that must be taken into account when designing the same.

To sum up, here are the factors that will give your product page an edge over the competition and help increase your conversion rates:

  • Well Communicated product variants.
  • Optimized content surrounding the add-to-cart button.
  • Prominently displayed discounts and offers.
  • Upselling and cross-selling products to increase revenue.

The ideal product page will help your ecommerce store go a long way.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start working towards giving your potential clients the best experience they can hope for.

