How to Simplify Your Life in 7 Days

What’s feasible, what’s reasonable, and what actually works to simplify and improve the common areas of our lives.

Mathilde Langevin


Mohammed Hassan via Unsplash.

Despite being an avid minimalist, I don’t like the sound of minimizing aspects of your life. I do, however, like the sound of boiling it down to the basic essentials, and therefore creating both space and time for what really matters.

That, to me, is what true minimalism is all about.

People often ask me how to start a minimal lifestyle. The answer remains the same regardless of who’s inquiring and what in the world they’re inquiring about: just start! Your small steps will compound over time, but if you never hit the ground and start running, you’ll never make a change.

In order to share some guidance and give you a little head start, I made a simplistic 7-day guide for anybody who wishes to start implementing minimalism into their lifestyle. This article will show you the ropes in the most straightforward and easily applicable fashion, making the whole process as enjoyable as possible.

I have done hundreds of readings and attempted so many of the minimalist methods out there. It’s led me to develop my own understanding of the psychology behind both a successful or failing minimal lifestyle. I



Mathilde Langevin

Calm-conscious minimalist seeking balance through a simple & mindful life. I write about all things wellness for lifestyle brands + creatives.