Final nail in the coffin for ‘Cuberpunk2077’As Sony and Microsoft takes it down from their digital marketplaces.

Ibtesam Ghani
Simpleton Publications
2 min readDec 22, 2020

With the release of Cyberpunk 2077 ‘Cd Projekt Red’ has been walking on a tight rope. The company released a game that was in the oven for about eight years and when it finally came out it still felt under-cooked and left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.

Cyberpunk 2077 was not a rush job, by all means, The developers spent countless hours trying to perfect the game but the expectations were so high from Cd Projekt Red that they were not able to deliver and the game fell flat on its face.

Some people might be enjoying it for the time being but most of the folks were upset over its flawed game design, from glitches and bugs to the overall game-play experience. By no means it is a bad game but it’s not a great one either.

So the company gave in under the massive pressure by the fans for not making it clear how the experience would be on their current-gen gaming hardware, and made a public apology offering refunds and promising to make the game better for its players in the coming year.

But that was not enough and in the aftermath of the apology made by Cd Projekt Red, on Dec 18th, 2020 Sony took the game down from its ‘PSN’ store and offered refunds to its loyal customers. Microsoft without any hesitation did the same and took down the game from its official store for Xbox and started refunding the money.

Well, it’s a big blow for the company as cyberpunk 2077 was the highest-selling game of the year and Cd Projekt Red is a huge game development company with investors and shareholders and a setback like this could shake their confidence in the company’s future.

As for Sony and Microsoft, it was a good strategic decision to honor its customers and give them their hard-earned money back so they can spend it on something worth better; but this decision was made for the digital marketplaces only by both companies, what would happen to the physical copies of the game will they ever get refunded? No one knows yet.

Being a fan of Cd Projekt Red’s previous work like the ‘Witcher’ series, I wanted this game to succeed like their other projects, I know they can still do a lot with this game and make it much better in the coming future but as of now the backslash over this blunder just makes it hard to believe.



Ibtesam Ghani
Simpleton Publications

An aspiring content writer providing you with the best written easy to read articles on different aspects of life.