My little farmers

Munchies with love
Simpli City
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2016

Little excited kids get their hands on the planting of the veritable seeds! The two older kids are so afraid to touch the soil and getting their hands dirty. So they only threw in the seeds and did the watering.

My little Dexter just pokes his fingers and started exploring and scooping the soil everywhere. I had to grab him out of the garden to wash him up and end up with him screaming n kicking for not enough play time at the garden.

Then we did a replant on 8 Mar 16 as advised by granny! All for the veggies to grow well!

Diligently watering the veggies



Munchies with love
Simpli City

A Mummy of 4 whipping up simple meals and enjoys baking easy munchies with them. Founder of That Chocolate Cake