Word Cloud Generation in Python

Jayesh Srivastava
Simplifying Data Science
2 min readOct 15, 2018

Let us see how to generate a word cloud in python in any shape as desired.

Step 1: Importing the necessary library and packages

Note: Sometimes one can receive an error that states “No module named ‘wordcloud’. To correct the error run the following command in the command prompt to install wordcloud.

Step 2:

To obtain a custom shape for the word cloud, look for an image that one wishes to use as a mask. The image that I have used is that of the Indian Map of 450x450 pixels.

Step 3:

Download the image and save it as a ‘png’ file. Store the image in the same folder as that of the python notebook.

Step 4: Text data for the word cloud

I have created a list called ‘sentence’ containing different sentences on which the word cloud will be built

Step 4: The code to creating the word cloud

The output will display as:

Word Cloud

The entire code for the above process is below:

