Vicky Flores Najas
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2016
Source: Anchor

Recently, I’ve seen a shift from visual digital content to audio. I think this is representative of the highly complicated, busy lives we lead and our perceptions of time management. I believe we are seeing a resurgence of audio files and formats because many of us are convinced that our ability to multitask is enhanced with audio rather than video.

A few days ago, I came across a relatively new app named -

Anchor: “A free iPhone app that makes it easy to broadcast short audio clips to a global audience in seconds. Your listeners can talk back, sparking instant group conversations that were never before possible.” (Anchor)

Source: Anchor

This “Radio by the people” concept is neither particularly novel nor is it unique but the execution of this app is quite exciting. In a sense, it is almost like verbal Twitter without the barriers to entry that many people face. For some people, condensing their thoughts into words on a page/tweet might seem daunting. Yet, when it comes to verbalizing those thoughts, most of us have an easier time because speaking is something we constantly do and feel accustomed to.

This platform also leaves a lot of space for creativity since the “soundbites” you create can take up any form. While playing around with this app, I heard opinion pieces, random thoughts/ideas, spoken word, rap and music. Anchor not only allows users to share content but also to engage with other users in an easy and intuitive manner. In my opinion, this is the advantage Anchor has over other audio sharing platforms. It is also the reason I believe that this app could become extremely popular.

By combining discovery features and user engagement, Anchor is optimizing the ability to garner audiences and generate traffic. If media influencers start adopting the platform and more people start contributing creative content, Anchor has the potential of becoming one of the leading audio platforms for those of us who are more verbally inclined.

Follow me on anchor →

Next → SIMPLIFYING TECH: Houseparty


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Vicky Flores Najas

marketing irl @microsoft @xbox & web3 @expansionpunks ✨latina 👩🏻‍💻trying to make #web3 more diverse, accessible & inclusive @welcometoweb3