Winning with product management in 2024 via lean leverage

It’s time for the inessential to exit, stage left.

Todd Lankford
Lean Leverage


Accomplish more with less in 2024 | Image generated by DALL-E
Accomplish more with less in 2024 | Image generated by DALL-E

More. Better. Faster. Cheaper. The tireless pursuit of ever-increasing product output just keeps going and going.

Not only does it persist, it seems to be amplifying in intensity. This monotonous, beating drum is driven louder by a heightened competitive environment. And the recent rise in artificial intelligence is speeding up the rhythm to a frenetic pace.

This beat is not an energizing rhythm. What I see in most cases is exhausted product teams, barely hanging on. Output has become the goal, the anti-purpose that doesn’t inspire. The resulting demanding pace produces unsustainable, empty, ineffective results.

Product professionals these days talk a lot about outcomes over output. But let’s be honest, many of us simply don’t walk the talk. Could 2024 could be the year this changes?

For this year to be any different, we need a jolt in a different direction. Instead of doing more, we need to do something non-instinctual. We need to do less, better. This is how we will achieve more of the outcomes we desire.

I have begun to refer to achieving more with less as lean leverage. Let’s start by defining what this term means to me and then set the stage for how to…



Todd Lankford
Lean Leverage

Hi–I’m Todd. I help managers and product teams maximize outcomes while respecting people.