Add a rating tool into your webshop
Add a rating widget in your SimplyEdit webpage or webshop
Adding a rating tool into your SimplyEdit webpage or webshop is really simple. Here’s a short guide about building the starry tool into your code.
Rating-Widget is a popular tool to include and it is simple as well. First create an account at Just click on ‘Get my free widget’. There you can set all kinds of styling preferences and download a small piece of javascript, like this:
<script type=”text/javascript”>(function(d, t, e, m){
// Async Rating-Widget initialization.
window.RW_Async_Init = function(){
huid: “…”,
uid: “…”,
source: “website”,
options: {
“size”: “medium”,
“style”: “oxygen”,
“isDummy”: false
// Append Rating-Widget JavaScript library.
var rw, s = d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0], id = “rw-js”,
l = d.location, ck = “Y” + t.getFullYear() +
“M” + t.getMonth() + “D” + t.getDate(), p = l.protocol,
f = ((“DBG=”) > -1) ? “” : “.min”),
a = (“https:” == p ? “secure.” + m + “js/” : “js.” + m);
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
rw = d.createElement(e); = id; rw.async = true; rw.type = “text/javascript”;
rw.src = p + “//” + a + “external” + f + “.js?ck=” + ck;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(rw, s);
}(document, new Date(), “script”, “”));</script>
You can add this to your webpage, and add the rating widget container to the product template. However, there are two things that need a tweak to work with SimplyEdit:
First, if you have more than one product on a page, you also need more than one rating widget. So you need the `data-title` attribute and you must be able to edit this in SimplyEdit as well. So add the following to the product template:
<p class=”product-hidden”
data-simply-content=”text”>my rating</p>
<div class=”rw-ui-container”
data-title=”my rating”
Second, the Rating-Widget javascript code must run after SimplyEdit has rendered all the content, otherwise it may run before the `data-title` fields are set correctly. So instead of the original javascript, change it slightly like this:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
document.addEventListener(‘simply-content-loaded’, function() {
(function(d, t, e, m){
// Async Rating-Widget initialization.
window.RW_Async_Init = function(){
huid: “…”,
uid: “…”,
source: “website”,
options: {
“size”: “medium”,
“style”: “oxygen”,
“isDummy”: false
// Append Rating-Widget JavaScript library.
var rw, s = d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0], id = “rw-js”,
l = d.location, ck = “Y” + t.getFullYear() +
“M” + t.getMonth() + “D” + t.getDate(), p = l.protocol,
f = ((“DBG=”) > -1) ? “” : “.min”),
a = (“https:” == p ? “secure.” + m + “js/” : “js.” + m);
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
rw = d.createElement(e); = id; rw.async = true; rw.type = “text/javascript”;
rw.src = p + “//” + a + “external” + f + “.js?ck=” + ck;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(rw, s);
}(document, new Date(), “script”, “”));
As you can see, we wrapped the original javascript code inside an EventListener. SimplyEdit fires an event called ‘simply-content-loaded’ immediately after the page is rendered and all the information is available. At that point the rating widget has the data-title
attribute and only then can it initialize its javascript code.
And that’s it. You’ve added a simple rating tool into your webshop or website.
If you have read our previous article: You now have a complete webshop, with user ratings. You may need to setup some more stuff in Snipcart, but the Snipcart website and dashboard will help you get that sorted.