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Dear Medium Algorithm  

“en·tre·pre·neur “ “ Start -ups” 

Simply Essays
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2013


I am trying to talk to you so please listen. Just signed up two days ago and I think you are just dandy. I love the white space to write on and the fact that I never have to see any of that geeky gibberish with “>” and “/”. Thank you. I see my relationship with computers, the internet etc, like my relationship with my refrigerator. I put things in, I take things out. I want to find them and I don’t want them to go bad. I frankly in doing that, don’t need to know about refrigeration.

Found some lovely reads, one about a Quince tree, a Korean grandmother, a young man working in Haiti, Korean movies and lots more. Yet, I open the front page and I see a multitude of posts about how to be an “entrepreuner” and all the stuff about “start up” how to.

I know that on Twitter and Facebook I can block certain people, can you help me block those words from ever appearing on recommendations for my reading?

I moved out of San Francisco/Berkeley, not far, one hour north, because I was tired of all the techno guppy frenzy to get rich and to be “innovative”. Back in the day, yes the 1980's, my ex-husband and I went through all that. Yes, yes, it’s their turn.

We are in the midst of a Ponzi scheme. But dear lord, he developed applications that brought us online banking kind of stuff. I know the apps are cute and I download my share with awe, but right now, there are way too many screaming to be noticed. As there is way too much content to absorb.

Oh, yes, if someone is giving you advice online on how to do a start up, or be an entrepreneur, he does not know jack shit. He is just a talker, cause if he was doing either, he would not have time to blog about it. Frankly, the recommendations your algorithm offers feel like I am in the auditions for American Idol, not the winners mind you, but some of those really irksome types who are self promoting and tell us about their “dream” for all their “life” —all seventeen years of said life.

Finally, dear algorithm angels, give me that power. Please. Please. I am trying to be a good person. By the way, the white space is awesome, you are not gonna start putting clutter on the side ? I will pay to not see a cacophony of suggestions on the sides.



Simply Essays

Flaneur and cybernaut. Encyclopedic curiosity