Numb toes

And other symptoms

Honey Madison
Simply Life
4 min readApr 4, 2019


It was a random set of symptoms that compelled me to set an appointment with my doctor

The first symptom was the ability to hold things. Such a simple thing, but I have truly missed it since it’s been gone.

Bottle caps, cups, my cell phone (more than once) just seem to fly out of my hands at regular intervals. I think I’ve grasped an item sufficiently the next thing I know it has dropped to the floor with a conspicuous thud and rolled under the stove.

Then, I am on my hands and knees with ass in the air, cussing, trying to find it.

My cell phone has even developed an affected ringtone that sounds more like a plaintive wail attempting to reach perfect pitch rather than the 40s telephone ring it is supposed to be.

The screen protector — also made of glass — now has a crazy spiderweb of breaks. I just haven’t had time to replace it and, considering I will probably drop it again, seems like a waste of time and money to replace it.

People look at my phone in horror when I first pull it out thinking the actual screen is in pieces being held together merely by the chipped black frame of my iPhone cover.

Then, there are the three numb toes. Yep, just three on the left foot starting with the pinky toe and working in.

It’s not like I have a good reason for numb toes. No marathons or spontaneous ballet performances. I don’t even sit on my feet during Netflix binge-watching. Nope, nothing to explain the sudden lack of sensation.

It is like all three toes have decided to go on strike due to poor treatment and lousy working conditions (hey, it is not my fault they make high heels with no room for toes). Obviously, they couldn’t get the others to join in their rebellion.

Then, there are the three numb toes. Yep, just three on the left foot starting with the pinky toe and working in… It is like all three toes have decided to go on strike due to poor treatment and lousy working conditions (hey, it is not my fault they make high heels with no room for toes).

Sorry, what?

Yeah, the inability to concentrate was another symptom. It isn’t like my mind would even wander away. It just splits! Absolutely not present for several moments while I blink my eyes in confusion.

Poor Handsome must suffer my frequent requests that he repeat himself because I missed what he said the first time. Not that I didn’t hear it in some vague sound wave around me. More like I couldn’t register it and the fact that I needed to listen quickly enough to grasp the message and formulate a response. I think if he hears, “What did you say?” one more time, I may become ostracized from the house for an indeterminate amount of time. If you see me wandering the streets around 10pm on a Saturday with a bewildered but vaguely accepting expression on my face, you’ll know why.

The body temp issues Handsome is convinced is just me. “Having a thick, fluffy, white blanket over a down comforter is just not normal!” He proclaims with annoying regularity. Then, he gives me a baffled look when I turn off the gas fireplace midday. “You’re hot?” He asks in bewilderment. “How can you be hot? You’re never hot.” Well, if body temp was one of life’s multiple-choice questions, then my body seems to be selecting “all the above.”

The most concerning of all was the blackout. While only lasting seconds, it was still bizarre to be clutching the edge of the treadmill eyes open and seeing nothing but blackness as my legs buckled beneath me. No fun.

Oh, and let’s not forget the ocular migraines. The joy of a migraine expressed through my eyes making me unable to see or read because either a big white spot is blocking my vision or long reflective ribbons are surrounding my vision distracting me from what I’m trying to look at.

Of course, WebMD insisted I could have anything from stress to MS.

Trying not to freak out, I did the sensible thing and set up a doctor’s appointment.

It only took 8 weeks of symptoms to convince me.

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Originally published at on April 4, 2019.



Honey Madison
Simply Life

Humor writer and illustrator, sharing life stories.