Do You Fear Success?

Mason Sabre
A Mind Interrupted
Published in
6 min readJun 15, 2021


And sabbotage yourself.

Photo by Benjamin Wedemeyer on Unsplash

Three weeks ago, the strangest thing happened to me. I wrote an article on here, and it went viral. I was getting hundreds of reads an hour, and the article made me four figures in a week.

I spent the day obsessed with my stats and refreshed them every few minutes as if something marvellous was going to happen.

My wife became increasingly obsessed, asking me how many now. The first thing we did in the morning was check how well the article had done.

It was amazing, and then it wasn’t.

The more reads that article got, the more nervous I started to feel. I got that fluttering in my belly, an anxiousness in my muscles, and at one point, I stared at the article and considered taking it down so no one could read it.


I don’t know. I just felt afraid.

Fear of Success

This wasn’t the first time I’ve felt like this when something good happened. A few years ago, one of my books floated around the number ten spot on Amazon and got a best-seller flag. Last year, I had a huge promotion for a book that also did really well, and a few weeks back, I sold two stories to a publisher and received an advance for both. All of those events scared the life out of me. I had to make myself…



Mason Sabre
A Mind Interrupted

Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner.