Please Stop Telling Me to go Back on My Medication

Mason Sabre
A Mind Interrupted
Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2019


Photograph By Afshar Tetyana at Adobe Stock

I can’t remember when it was exactly, I decided to come off my anti-depressants. But when I decided to do it, I knew it was the right decision.

I had been taking my medication for over a year. At the time, when I had asked the doctor to prescribe them to me, I was in a place I mentally couldn’t cope with my life. My father had died, I had done my degree, and for some reason, when I should have felt free and liberated of burdens, I felt tired and low, like every day was crawling through sand.

Some days I would wake up, and it was too much to face the day. All I could manage to do was lie there and hope for sleep to come and take me away. There was no reason I could see to get out of bed, nothing to move for. If my wife suggested anything to me, I would ask her, but what is the point?

That was my favourite phrase. What’s the point … what’s the point in anything? We’re all going to die one day.

She used to shrug and tell me she didn’t have an answer but seems I am here anyway, maybe the point is to enjoy time at least?

I took the medication.

I am glad I made that decision. I think medications like anti-depressants can be a great tool to help you get back on track. I know they get a bad reputation and are almost seen as a weakness if…



Mason Sabre
A Mind Interrupted

Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner.