Feed Your Family Well in a Pandemic Shortage

Use your sourdough discard to make delicious pancakes!

Patricia Davis
Simply Living and Living Simply


Photo by author

At the end of February, my father passed away. While we were out of state at his funeral, I began getting unbelievable posts on social media.

Ya’ll better get to the store now! Toilet paper going fast.

I thought, Fake news. How bad can it be? I live in North Dallas. It won’t be that bad. Then many, many posts showing photos of bare shelves in the grocery store began showing up.

The hoarding had begun, and I couldn’t get to the store to participate. By the time I returned home, there was no bread, no flour, no yeast, no baking soda, no sugar, no canned foods. The only thing I could consistently count on at the store was the fruit and vegetable section to feed my family.

Not only that, but the first basket of groceries I purchased cost over $400. We had purchased only one buggy of ‘normal’ groceries, costing over twice as much as usual. I soon realized that I would have to do something to feed my family.

I am a baker, and my grandma taught me to make my own bread using active dry yeast when I was a teenager. She constantly told me how much easier it was to bake bread today than it was when she was a child, when they used sourdough starter to leaven their…



Patricia Davis
Simply Living and Living Simply

Pat blogs about food, sustainability, and living simply. Sourdough is a particular passion. She also writes historical fiction with social justice themes.