Work That Matters to You Will Make Your Life Meaningful Again

Find your purpose — find self value.

Patricia Davis
Simply Living and Living Simply


Our world is not what it was just a few months ago. Maybe you still have a job, or maybe you don’t. Maybe you still leave your house, or maybe you won’t. Maybe you have been healthy; maybe you haven’t. We no longer live our normal lives. For many of us, our lives have lost their meaning, and we feel unnecessary.

Whatever your situation is, the world has changed, and not necessarily for the better. And studies show that anxiety and depression are skyrocketing. Our worry about how COVID-19 will affect us, coupled with forced isolation due to the pandemic, is taking its toll. Time to find your purpose and make your life meaningful again.

Give yourself purpose.

Identifying what gives you a sense of purpose can help you feel valuable when the world has become unrecognizable. Whether you have retired, been laid off, had a reduction in work, or now work from home, establishing your purpose can go a long way to making your life meaningful.

Without a purpose, you don’t feel necessary. When a person doesn’t feel needed, they may feel lonely, depressed or useless. Giving yourself a sense of purpose can uplift your mood because you feel useful again.



Patricia Davis
Simply Living and Living Simply

Pat blogs about food, sustainability, and living simply. Sourdough is a particular passion. She also writes historical fiction with social justice themes.