Your new story that changes the game

Aimee Hanson
Simply Love, Darling
2 min readDec 25, 2022

Do you struggle with being seen as you are? In other words, are you a dance teacher hiding out as a retired woman? Maybe you are a medicine woman who has an easier time with the title of personal trainer? Perhaps you are an epic artist who hides behind being a busy event planner?

There are so may ways we can hide our truth. Maybe we aren’t ready to embody our truth. Maybe we don’t believe our truth.

What does hiding really serve, though? One this is for sure, what hiding doesn’t serve: It doesn’t serve balance. It doesn’t serve trust. It doesn’t serve our greatest expression. Hiding isn’t satisfying. It’s boring, actually!

Ignoring the energetic imbalances in our body cause us to be stuck in negative thinking and pesky habits.

Being distracted by the lies we believe cause us to be stuck in negative thinking and pesky habits. What lies? The ones that tell us we can’t be who we really are!

Our future self needs a balanced energy system in order to spend more time in our purpose rather than being robbed by stress and chaos.

Basically, my love, we need to be TRUTH. We need to 100% be who we are.

Have you heard the saying: “Our greatest gift is our greatest challenge”?

When worry, fear and anxiety hit .. it’s a real struggle. Getting into balance can sometimes take more time than we realize.

A quicker way to get into balance is with the wonder method. You don’t need to think positive thoughts or journal about gratitude every night, although these things are wonderful to do. You just need to practice the 5 steps … and let the wonder work its magic. I call it the daily habit and it’s completely changed my life.

Do you want to heal your self-value issues? Are you ready to be seen for who you really are? Learn the wonder method in order to balance your energy, trust yourself and believe in your value. If you’re looking for a small community of people who are actively taking steps to increase their self-value by working with their energy, my upcoming 2 hour class, over 6 Sundays (First Class: Jan 15, 2023. Last Class: Feb 19, 2023), is one to look into.

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Aimee Hanson
Simply Love, Darling

Writer and Visual Artist. Inspired by cosmic, poetic, romantic and heroic acts of courage.