3 Essential Tips to Double Your Typing Speed

Ido Vadavker
Simply Prodctive
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2023
Photo by Jay Zhang on Unsplash
  • You spend multiple hours a day typing. It could be writing emails, DMs, slack messages, or study notes.
  • Everybody can type, but most people type slowly, with many backspaces and inaccuracies.
  • Taking just 10 minutes daily to practice typing will put you ahead of everyone. Your typing speed will increase, and the quality of your writing will noticeably improve.
  • Using the tips below, I doubled my typing speed and accuracy in a matter of a few weeks.

Touch Typing

It might be hard at first, but stick to the four principles below for a week, and it will become second nature.

  1. Use the base position shown in the picture below — thumbs on Space, the right pointer finger on J, and the left pointer finger on F. Re-position yourself to this spot after each click.

2. Type with the right finger — Each color represents a different finger. For example, E should only be typed by the left middle finger. Make sure only to type letters with the appropriate fingers.

Logan Laboratory / Vanderbilt University

3. Don’t look at the keyboard — focus on the words on the screen.

4. Type slow — focus on accuracy, and the speed will come.

Look at the screen, type with the right finger, and reposition your fingers to the base spot.


Photo by ilgmyzin on Unsplash
  1. Delete words/lines — don’t use the backspace button more than twice. Use option+backspace to delete a word or Cmd+backspace to delete an entire row.
  2. Move faster between words — alternatively, use Option+right/left to jump between words in a row or press Cmd+right/left to move to the start or the end of the road.
  3. Use text expanders — these tools can replace a simple command like “:em” with your full email address. The same thing applies to your cold sales messages, email replies, and personal info. Basically, everything that you write every single day can become a template for quick reuse.
    Examples of such tools are Alfred (MacOS) and TextExpander (Chrome).
  4. Use the keyboard to do everything — use Cmd+tab to move between apps, Cmd+W to close windows, and Cmd+Option+left/right to move between tabs. If you want to, you can reduce your mouse use by 80% — but that can be the subject of a future post.

10 Minutes with MonkeyType

MonkeyType is the best site to practice your typing.


With a minimalist appearance, you can start typing right away and see an analysis after every try.

But you can also fully customize your experience! Which is something very unique for MonkeyType.

  • Add numbers or punctuation.
  • Change the time or word limit.
  • Change the theme, sounds, or appearance of everything.
  • Track your mistakes and progress.
  • And all for free.


  • Take just 10 minutes a day, and you will save a lot of time every day.
  • Make sure you have a good posture and find time to practice first thing in the morning.
  • Many more tips can help your type faster, I mentioned only the best ones. If you wish to know more, let me know.



Ido Vadavker
Simply Prodctive

Copywriter for Early-stage startups | Twitter: @ido_vadavker | Newsletter: becomingacopywriter.substack.com