A Message from simplyBrand

Oleksandra Zavertailo
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2019

Dear simplyBrand Community,

To say that the last couple of weeks have been difficult would be a gross understatement. There have been hectic activities at our end at an almost insane pace. There have also been murmurs and rumors which are creating a sort of panic situation within the community and we wanted to offer some clarity.

We are in talks with a few cryptocurrency exchanges for the listing of the SBA tokens and we assure you that as soon as we have positive news of an association, you will be the first to know.

As far as rumors about the current exchange where we are listed is concerned, please rest assured that we are closely monitoring the situation. Popo Chen, the Founder of COBINHOOD came out with an announcement. He has put all speculations to rest. In the blog post, Popo has clearly explained what the problem was, what led to the rumors and what is the current situation. He has expressly stated that the COBINHOOD exchange is functioning like before and that there are no problems, whatsoever. However, we’d like to remind you that you (and only you) are responsible for the safety and security of your tokens and that you should keep your tokens in a safer place (a personal wallet) and not depend on any crypto exchanges.

Our CEO, Kaufman Chang has been constantly on the move attending conferences, giving talks and pitching services to the biggest of brands. We, as you all know, are not novices who just raised money through token sale. We have a working solution that has been safeguarding the interests of many brands through a tried and tested product for the last more than five years. This should be enough to allay any fears or doubts in your minds.

You have all been our strength and the biggest source of our motivation. You drive us to be better and to do better. We shall always keep your interests in mind. We stand by our commitment to offer a solid blockchain-based anti-counterfeiting solution that is better than all competing solutions out there. We hope that you shall stand firmly by our side as we journey to clean e-commerce and bring the joy back in online shopping.

We cannot thank you enough for your support. Warm regards from the entire simplyBrand team.

Join us in our various community discussions on different platforms

Telegram discussions:https://t.me/simplybrand
Scam alerts:https://t.me/simplybrand_scam_alerts

