A New, Modern Approach for Businesses to Handle Online Copyright or Trademark Infringement

Oleksandra Zavertailo
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2019

Online copyright and trademark infringement not only impacts a business’ bottom line, it also negatively affects their brand reputation. No business envisions that they will be the target of copyright or trademark infringement in the form of counterfeiting, so when it does happen, many don’t know how to approach the situation, nor how to prevent it from happening again. Worse still, many businesses try to handle breaches to their intellectual property, only to realise that they don’t have adequate information to support their case. So what can businesses like yours do? Below, we explain a new, modern approach for businesses to handle online copyright or trademark infringement.

simplyBrand’s Anti-counterfeiting Services

simplyBrand’s anti-counterfeiting services are the epitome of a modern approach to copyright or trademark infringement. We use a combination of blockchain technology, AI, and crowdsourcing (a form of decentralised verification) to not only identify fakes online, but also to track, monitor, analyze, and provide our clients with this useful data.

Moreover, we help firms to take down URLs through the support and services of enforcement agencies. We even have a one-of-a-kind Impact Calculator, which calculates the negative impact counterfeiting has on a given brand. Essentially, it “shows the losses incurred by these brands due to the menace that is global counterfeiting,” so that businesses can better understand the importance of implementing an effective anti-counterfeiting solution like the services simplyBrand offers.

Businesses that have signed up with simplyBrand will have access to a wealth of information about cases of their products being counterfeited. While the traditional method requires you, or someone else, to incidentally spot a copy of your product online, simplyBrand takes a proactive approach by constantly monitoring the web for any incidents of copyright or trademark infringement. We handle the whole process for you, ensuring that you can take swift action. Another benefit of using our services is that you will be alerted to considerably more counterfeiting attempts of your products than simply going about this process alone.

As a client of simplyBrand, you will have access to both a whitelist of authorized sellers of your products, and also a blacklist of websites and online retailers selling counterfeit products of your brand. This data will essentially allow you to take more effective legal recourse against counterfeiting companies. After all, any legal recourse requires strong and detailed evidence, and this is precisely where simplyBrand’s offerings shine.

Rather than relying on anecdotal or poorly put together evidence of copyright or trademark infringement, simplyBrand will provide you with a clear, detailed, and professional collection of evidence for you to present to your lawyer. simplyBrand also works directly with enforcement agencies within our ecosystem who specialize in removing URLs that have been flagged for selling counterfeits. In short, we will give you all of the necessary data and support for you to effectively take on counterfeiters.

You can also choose to make this data public, which will have a twofold effect. Making the information publicly accessible will discourage consumers from buying from the websites and ecommerce stores which have been flagged as selling counterfeits.

It will also discourage websites and ecommerce stores from targeting your brand. The reason being that counterfeiters want to get away with their crimes, so they target businesses that will not impede their efforts. As simplyBrand’s solution is a concerted effort to stop counterfeiters in their tracks, counterfeiters will be actively dissuaded from targeting businesses that employ simplyBrand’s solution to anti-counterfeiting.


As you have learned, simplyBrand represents a fresh approach to anti-counterfeiting. No longer do businesses like yours need to spend their own precious time and resources to compile evidence of copyright or trademark infringement of their online products, nor take down offending URLs — our advanced technology and comprehensive anti-counterfeiting solution can completely handle this laborious process for you from start to finish. We know it works as the data we have collated for our clients has proven to be invaluable in their efforts to fight online counterfeit companies.

So what are you waiting for? Why not get involved by buying our token, SBA, during our pre-sale stage right now? For more details, go to our website, or buy SBA now on COBINHOOD.

About simplyBrand

simplyBrand is an advanced ecosystem that draws on artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and crowdsourcing to eliminate counterfeit products in digital commerce. To learn more, visit the simplyBrand website.

