A Simple Routine to Rid Stress In The Workplace

Simply Heavenly
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2017

Stress is something that plagues employees a lot more than most people. With deadlines around the corner, and an overbearing workload — it’s no wonder that our productivity begins to weaken and we feel we are on the verge of a mental breakdown!

We’ve put together our favorite meditation techniques and practices that we use to keep our stress low and happiness high!

1. Exercise

Exercise doesn’t have to be extremely vigorous, or sweaty to be beneficial. In matter of fact, simply walking — with deep breathing and looking full on ahead of you can make a world of a difference.

2. Great Diet

A perfect & healthy meal shouldn’t make you extremely sleepy. In matter of fact it should give you more energy to continue throughout the day. It should be easy to digest as well. If you are already eating healthy, you may be just eating too much in one sitting. Breaking your food up into smaller portions throughout the day is another way of utilizing your food for more energy.

Extremely high protein diets can cause aggression and increased stress and anxiety. A balance is necessary.

  • high energy = high productivity
  • more focused = more productivity

3. Daily morning meditation

Meditating regularly helps relieve stress greatly. Even five minutes of consistent meditation can yield great results.

4. Breathing

Taking a few deep breaths before you begin your day can immediately relax you.

5. Massage

Although not always necessary, it is great to occasionally have a shoulder massage from a loved one!

If you have some great ideas on how you release stress in and out of the work place, feel free to comment below and tag us with @smplyhvnly




Simply Heavenly
Editor for

Meals for the Health Conscious Individual