The future of privacy is here — Oasis Network Launch by Simply Staking

Francesco Cremona
Simply Staking
Published in
4 min readNov 19, 2020


  • Oasis Labs have officially launched the Oasis Network with a consensus validator set of 75 members.
  • Network inflation starts at 20% and reduces gradually to 0% in 48 months.
  • The Oasis Network’s layout separates consensus and execution layers, increasing scalability and transaction throughput.
  • ROSE tokens are now transferrable and present on exchanges.
  • Simply VC has long supported and will continue its infrastructure and development support within the Oasis community.
  • Simply Staking is operating a validator from its datacentre and accepting delegations from ROSE token holders.

Celebrating the network launch!

After years of research and development, testnets and a beta mainnet launch, Oasis Labs consulted the community on a launch time for the Oasis Mainnet. Simply VC suggested this to be on 18th November and after some discussion, it was accepted as the launch date for the network.

At 4pm UTC, all 75 validators came together and signed the first block, transfers and actions on the Oasis Network!

Oasis Network’s Slack on launch

What’s special about Oasis Network’s features?

Oasis Labs’ work with the Oasis Protocol is focused on the ability to run computationally intensive applications on a blockchain with end-to-end privacy, achieving both scalability and confidentiality through the following features:

  • Support for transaction and smart contract execution being isolated in trusted execution environments, through the Oasis ETH/WASI Runtime.
  • Separation of consensus and execution into distinct ParaTime and Consensus layers, each handling their respective duties in parallel and without slowing down each other.

Ethereum dApp developers will be able to deploy their Solidity contracts into an EVM ParaTime with confidential compute, opening new use blockchain use cases by allowing personal or sensitive data to be stored and processed. All this on a more lightweight and high throughput platform compared to the current Ethereum network.

Simply Staking’s Oasis Team and Infrastructure

  • We are a team of developers and infrastructure operators from Malta, a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean, strongly driven by a belief that privacy should be a key pillar of a much needed decentralized future.
  • Our Simply Staking branded nodes across 18 blockchain networks are operated out of our privately owned Tier-3 data center, with backup hardware in other locations, allowing us to truly decentralize blockchain networks rather than rely on cloud providers.
  • We charge our delegators a 10% commission, which is the lowest charged within the top 7 validators. We also currently rank 3rd in terms of delegations on the network.

Simply VC’s Oasis support

Initiating our contact with Oasis at Web3.0 Summit in 2019, CEO Dawn Song excitingly explained to us the vision of a privacy-enabled blockchain that allowed for apps that preserve data ownership and privacy. The applications of this are abundant and necessary in order to harness the potential offered by blockchain in an ethical and secure way.

This goes well with our strong belief in the importance of privacy and it was immediately clear to us that we should support the network in any way we could. In a time where our data is passed around the world and abused by third parties on a whim, it is critically important to build the foundations that will move us away from the current status quo.

To date, we’ve supported Oasis Labs in the following ways:

  • Development of PANIC for Oasis, a monitoring UI and alerting tool for Oasis Protocol node operators.
  • Development of the Oasis API Server, making it easier to query blockchain data from Oasis nodes.
  • Validating and deploying Oasis infrastructure on various initial private and public testnets.
  • Supporting the team with software testing and incentivised testnet challenge participation.

Check us out on the Oasis Scan explorer! and delegate to us using

Stay tuned to Simply VC for more Oasis and PANIC related guides:

Feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback here:

