How to participate in the Health Nexus Token Generation Event

David Michael Akers
5 min readMay 16, 2018


The Health Nexus token generation event will begin on May 21st, 2018. If you have completed our interest survey and the KYC process you will be able to participate. If you haven’t done that yet, head over to our token site. To get started register for the wait list or if you are already registered then login and find the interest survey on the secure dashboard.

Get started by completing the Interest Survey.

Health Nexus is a secure new blockchain where patient data and healthcare professionals can safely interact.

Our token generation event will give those members of our community with an immediate interest in our opensource Key Pair system the ability to access and support that utility.

Once Health Nexus is commercially available the tokens will be voluntarily exchangeable (1 for 1) with health cash , the transactional currency of Health Nexus.

This article will provide an overview of the contribution process to prepare those community members who are selected to participate.

Contribution Overview and Getting Started

There are three steps to the contribution process:

  • Verifying your wallet address
  • Contributing Ether
  • Confirming your token balance
Get stated by using the “Contribute” button.

To get started go to our website: and login by using the “Login” button at the top. Those approved to participate will notice a blue “Contribute” button on the dashboard. Use the button to begin the process.

The remainder of this article will cover each of these steps in detail beginning with verifying your wallet address.

Verifying your wallet address

To participate you will first have to verify your Ethereum wallet address, that it is a correct Ethereum address, that it belongs to you, and that it is a token compatible address.

When you complete this process you will see your Wallet address here. You can change your wallet address here if needed.

You can change your wallet address during this step, but please note — once you check both checkboxes and click next you will be unable to change your wallet address afterwards. Be sure your wallet address is token compatible before proceeding.

Your eth wallet on Coinbase is not token compatible: do not attempt to send any ether from Coinbase directly!

If you are unsure if your wallet is ERC20 token compatible here’s are the most popular token compatible wallets you can use:

All of these wallets work well, but it is worth mentioning that if you are using using Chrome or Firefox as your web browser, MetaMask makes creating a token compatible wallet and funding it with ether very easy.

I’ve verified that I will contribute only from this address, and that this is a token compatible wallet.

Note: You will have to send your Ether from the same address where your tokens will be distributed — your token compatible wallet.

Once you complete this process we will verify your Ethereum address. It will look like this.

Use the “Next” button to proceed to the next step.

Contributing Ether

As you will be using your token wallet to contribute to the Health Nexus token generation event we have provided all the information you need to complete a successful transaction on the contribute page.

Tip: You can use the copy buttons to the left of the fields to quickly copy them to your clipboard.

Do not use the information provided in the included screenshots, those are just examples — get your data directly from the secure dashboard.

With your wallet, create an Ethereum transaction using the details provided on the contribute page. You need to copy the entire field (copy buttons are provided to make this easy). These are required to successfully contribute:

  • Address
  • Data
  • Amount Eth

The minimum contribution for the token generation event is .10 Ether. We have also provided recommended values for gas limit, and gas price.

Trouble To Avoid

  • Transactions for less than the minimum of .10 will fail.
  • Transactions that do not come from your verified Ethereum address will fail. Only use the wallet address you verified in the previous step.
  • Transactions that do not include all the Data field will fail.

Failed transactions will return any ether you contributed but will consume all the gas you provided.

After your transaction is confirmed you will be able to verify your token distribution. Network conditions can impact the time it takes to confirm transactions.

Confirm Your Token Balance

After the transaction is confirmed you will be able to verify the token distribution using two methods. These two methods are described in the Check Tokens step as shown.

This is sample data provided for this article. Get your data directly from the secure dashboard.

Depending on network conditions you may have to wait some time before seeing your token balance. Once you verified your token balance you will have successfully participated in the Health Nexus token generation event.

You may have questions about these instructions or some part of the process as you are going through it. Find us on telegram or discord and we will help answer your questions.

All of our token contracts are opensource, audited by Hosho, and available in our github repo:

About SimplyVital Health

SimplyVital Health is making decentralized technology accessible to the healthcare industry by creating Health Nexus, a healthcare-safe opensource blockchain.



David Michael Akers

blockchain engineer, black coffee drinker, husband, and hero of my favorite little people