Rails Active Job: your App’s Personal Assistant

Saddhana Arta Daniswara
Simpul Technologies
4 min readFeb 3, 2020

Are you tired when your server always crashes because there aren’t enough memory? Do you wish that you have something that will take over your main server responsibilities? Now let me introduce you to the one that will help you solve your problem. Introducing Rails Active Job. Rails Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends.

Imagine that your server is a staff, and you are the boss. Then you give tasks to your server. When the volume of tasks is still small your staff won’t face any problem, But the problem will begin to occur when you keep increasing the task. It is the same as your server. At some point, your server will collapse.

Now, what can you do to solve this problem? Yes, the easiest way and cheapest way to do it is using a worker, or job, or background job. On Rails, it called Active Job. With Active Job, you can divide which processes you need to do it on your main server and which processes you can do it later using background job, therefore it won't waste your server capacity. Like the title above, it somehow almost the same as you give your server or in this case your staff an assistant to help him do his job.

Active Job allows you to do your task asynchronously, so it will lessen the burden on your server. You can set when to do your task, you can create a schedule with an Active Job. Here is how to implement an Active Job.

1. Generate Job

You need to run this command below to generate Job file:

rails generate job <job_name>

You can check your job file inside app/job directory. Your job will look like this:

class <job_name> < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(*params)
# Do something later

Now, you are able to write whatever task you want inside “perform” action.

2. Enqueue the Job

After you’ve been successfully creating the job, you need to insert your job to queue so your job can be processed. There is a lot of ways to queue the job, you can set your job to performed as soon as possible, or you can set to be processed after a month and etc. Here some ways to do that, assuming that our job is ‘OurJob’:

OurJob.perform_later param

With perform_later, OurJob will be performed as soon as the queue is free.

OurJob.set(wait_until: Date.tomorrow.noon).perform_later(param)

With this, OurJob will be performed tomorrow at noon. You can change the parameter inside wait_until with any date you want.

OurJob.set(wait: 1.week).perform_later(param)

This will perform OurJob a week from now.

3. Set the Priority

You can set your job priority by changing the queue_as like the code below:

class <job_name> < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low_priority
def perform(*params)
# Do something later

4. Add Some Callbacks

Same with Rails ActiveRecord, Rails ActiveJob have callbacks too. Here to implement callbacks to your job:

class <job_name> < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
around_perform :callback_action def perform(*params)
# Do something later
def callback_action
# Do something before perform
# Do something after perform

Here is the list of callbacks you can use:


5. Recursive Job

If you want your job to run each month, each week or each day you can do a recursive job. To do this, you just need to call your job itself and set when will it be performed. Here is the code:

class OurJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(*params)
# Do something later
OurJob.set(wait: 1.week).perform_later(param)

With the code above, it will call itself next week. But you still need to initiate it manually for the first time before it can automatically call itself.

That’s it some basic how-to-use Active Job. Hope this story can help you to do your current or incoming task.

